Environmental Data Platform

Results: 453 items found
4DMED hydrological stations
Hydrological station data collected in the 4DMED projects: https://www.4dmed-hydrology.org/ Data for these stations are available for project partners only, via API using the token.



ADO - Discharge hydrological datasets
Daily time-series of discharge stations present within the Alpine space, obtained from different providers. Is made up of four columns: id station, date, discharge and the data quality information given by its different providers. The database contains observational daily discharge data deriving from the first measurement (differs for each region) to the present, with more than 1400 stations. These data were collected from multiple data providers within the ADO study region, covering the countries Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland. The spanned period is 1869-2021. The missing dates were added in order to have continuous time-series.


hydrology,water lever,discharge,database,ground station,cct,Environmental monitoring facilities,Hydrography

Jan. 1, 1869, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2021, 1 p.m.

ADO Factsheet: Soil Moisture Anomalies (SMA)
This factsheet provides a detailed technical description of the indicator Soil Moisture Anomaly (SMA), which is implemented in the Alpine Drought Observatory (ADO), and used for detecting and monitoring agricultural drought conditions.


SMA,ADO,ADO project,Soil Moisture Anomalies,ADO platform,cct,Slovenia,Italy,Europe,Austria,Hydrography,natural dynamics,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate,disasters, accidents, risk,water

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

ADO Factsheet: Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)
The Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) is a multiscalar drought index based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. It can be used for determining the onset, duration and magnitude of drought conditions with respect to normal conditions in a variety of natural and managed ecosystems such as agricultural ecosystems, forests, rivers, etc. The SPEI shows the anomalies (deviations from the long-term average) of the observed total surface water balance for any given location and accumulation period of interest. The name of the index is usually modified to include the accumulation period. SPEI-3, for example, refers to accumulation period of three months (Vicente-Serrano and Beguería, 2022).


SPEI,ADO,ADO project,Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index,ADO platform,cct,Europe,Slovenia,Austria,Italy,Hydrography,natural dynamics,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate,disasters, accidents, risk,water

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

ADO Factsheet: Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)
The Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) is the most commonly used index worldwide for detecting and characterising meteorological droughts. A meteorological drought is defined as a period with abnormal precipitation deficit, in relation to normal conditions for a region, represented as a long-term average. The SPI shows the normalisedanomalies (deviations from the long-term average) of the observed total precipitation for any given location and accumulation period of interest. The name of the index is usually modified to include the accumulation period. SPI-3, for example, refers to accumulation period of three months (JRC EDO, 2020).


SPI,ADO,ADO project,Standardized Precipitation Index,ADO platform,cct,Slovenia,Italy,Europe,Austria,Hydrography,natural dynamics,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate,disasters, accidents, risk,water

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

ADO Factsheet: Standardized Snowpack Index (SSPI)
When precipitation falls in the form of snow, water may be stored as snowpack. This decreases runoff and groundwater recharge during the winter months and contributes to the increased runoff during the spring and early summer. The Standardized SnowPack Index provides information on the relative volume of the snowpack in the catchment on a ten-daily and monthly basis compared to the period of reference (JRC EDO, 2022). The name of the index is modified to include the averaging period in days. SSPI-10, for example, refers to an average period of 10 days (JRC EDO, 2020).


SSPI,ADO,ADO project,Standardized Snowpack Index,ADO platform,cct,Slovenia,Italy,Europe,Austria,Hydrography,natural dynamics,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate,disasters, accidents, risk,water

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

ADO Factsheet: Vegetation Health Index (VHI) and Vegetation Condition Index (VCI)
This factsheet provides a technical description of the Vegetation Health Index (VHI, Kogan, 1995), which is implemented in the Alpine Drought Observatory (ADO). VHI can be used for detecting agricultural drought and assessing its severity.


VHI,VCI,Vegetation Health Index,Vegetation Condition Index,ADO platform,ADO,ADO project,cct,Slovenia,Italy,Europe,Austria,Hydrography,natural dynamics,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate,disasters, accidents, risk,water

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

ADO Hydrological boundary
The overall objective of the Alpine Drought Observatory - ADO project is to create an online drought monitoring platform and develop policy implementation guidelines for proactive drought management in the Alpine regions. The ADO project consortium includes 11 institutions from 6 Alpine countries with a wide range of expertise, covering meteorological and hydrological monitoring, specific knowledge on modeling, drought risk and impact assessment, as well as water governance in the different sectors. Further information about the ADO project can be found here: https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/ado/en/about.



ADO SNOWGRID CL Validation Report
ADO Datasets from deliverable D.T2.1.1 are downscaled from ERA5 surface datasets (Hersbach et al. 2018) using quantile mapping. As ERA5 snow data cannot be downscaled in a similar manner (no snow data available from UERRA mescan surfex; Bazile et al. 2017) and its accuracy within the alpine domain was questioned, a modified version of the deterministic snow model SNOWGRID-CL (Olefs et al. 2020) was used to derive daily fields of snow depth and snow water equivalent within the scope of the ADO project (part of deliverable D.T1.2.1).


SPEI,ADO,ADO project,Snowgrid,ADO platform,cct,Italy,Europe,Austria,Slovenia,Hydrography,natural dynamics,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate,disasters, accidents, risk,water

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

ADO Soil Moisture Validation Report
When precipitation falls in the form of snow, water may be stored as snowpack. This decreases runoff and groundwater recharge during the winter months and contributes to the increased runoff during the spring and early summer. The Standardized SnowPack Index provides information on the relative volume of the snowpack in the catchment on a ten-daily and monthly basis compared to the period of reference (JRC EDO, 2022). The name of the index is modified to include the averaging period in days. SSPI-10, for example, refers to an average period of 10 days (JRC EDO, 2020).


SMA,ADO,ADO project,Soil Moisture Anomalies,ADO platform,cct,Slovenia,Europe,Italy,Austria,Hydrography,natural dynamics,water,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate,disasters, accidents, risk

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

Agordino - Valle del Cordevole: Land use/Land cover
This layer shows the land use land cover for the Transalp study area Agordino-Valle del Cordevole.


Italy,land cover,landuse,Veneto

Air temperature - Venosta Valley
Daily averaged air temperature maps [C] maps for the Venosta Valley (South Tyrol,Italy) produced with the GEOtop hydrological model.


collection,temperature,geotop,model,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Sept. 2, 2019, 2 a.m. Aug. 2, 2020, 2 a.m.

Alpinespace Eusalp boundary
EUSALP is a European strategy for the Alpine territory joining human passions, natural resources and economic assets, linking cities, plains, valleys and mountains to find solutions to challenges we can solve only together. We coordinate planning, integrate the best practices in the fields of economy, education, environment, accessibility and mobility, and commit as institutions to create sustainable solutions for the benefits of the citizens. By bringing governing closer to the people, EUSALP is proving that the European culture of cooperation lives. (source https://www.alpine-region.eu/mission-statement)



Alpine space-Eusalp intersection
The Alpine Drought Observatory - ADO project is interested in discharge (only for stations with a catchment area > 1000 Km2 and currently active), groundwater (only for stations for major groundwater bodies), and major lake levels (only for major water bodies (surface > 5 km2)) data. The overall objective of the Alpine Drought Observatory - ADO project is to create an online drought monitoring platform and develop policy implementation guidelines for proactive drought management in the Alpine regions. The ADO project consortium includes 11 institutions from 6 Alpine countries with a wide range of expertise, covering meteorological and hydrological monitoring, specific knowledge on modeling, drought risk and impact assessment, as well as water governance in the different sectors. Further information about the ADO project can be found here: https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/ado/en/about.



Alpinespace Eusalp NUTS2
NUTS level 2 layer for the countries in the EUSALP area.



ALPS: Glaciers outline 2015-2020
High-resolution outline of glaciers from both Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites over South Tyrol (years 2015 to 2020, included).



Annual Mean Value photovoltaic energy - CDTE modul
Annual Mean Value of photovoltaic energy produced for a Cadmium-Tellurid module.



Annual Mean Value photovoltaic energy - PCSI modul
Annual Mean Value of photovoltaic energy produced for a Polykristallines-Silizium modul.



Apple Trait Ontology (Crop Ontology - CO)
The Apple Trait Ontology (ATO) is a vital resource for the precise and standardized description of apple varieties, enabling a deeper understanding of their genetic, morphological, and agronomic characteristics. Apples (Malus domestica) are one of the most widely cultivated and consumed fruits globally, and their immense diversity poses challenges in terms of classification, breeding, and research. ATO serves as a comprehensive framework to overcome these challenges. ATO is designed to capture and categorize a wide range of apple traits, encompassing characteristics such as fruit shape, size, color, texture, flavor, nutritional content, disease resistance, and more. This ontology employs standardized terminology and hierarchical structures to create a common language for researchers, horticulturists, and fruit breeders. The ATO not only aids in data sharing and integration but also promotes collaboration among diverse stakeholders in the apple industry.


Ontology,Apple,Variety Testing,Breeding ontology,OB-VISLY,Italy,Species distribution,Agricultural and aquaculture facilities,agriculture,biology

Aug. 23, 2022, 2 a.m. None

Archivio Tirolese -Argento Vivo
Archivio Tirolese per la documentazione e l"arte fotografica di Lienz (TAP): - Collezione Lisl Gaggl-Meirer (Paesaggio, montagna; Tirolo Orientale; 1970-1990) - Collezione Klebelsberg, Istituto di Geologia, Università di Innsbruck (Paesaggio, montagna, militari; Dolomiti; 1907-1910) - Collezione Hans Peter Falkner (Città, Lienz; ca. 1965-1985) - Collezione Foto Baptist (Paesaggio, montagna; Tirolo Orientale; 1965-1975)



Jan. 1, 1890, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 1985, 1 a.m.

Aree BIPVmeetsHistory
No abstract provided



Auf den spuren der tracks
Auf den spuren der tracks in Bletterback Park



A validation of ADO drought indices SPI and SPEI in Slovenia
Drought indices are essential for tracking and warning of the possible drought related effects, impacts and outcomes (WMO and GWP, 2016). The use of a specific drought index in this manner requires a prior assessment of the index performance in detecting and monitoring different types of drought. Agricultural drought affects plants and crops, sometimes resulting in extensive crop failure. As agricultural drought is particularly relevant for the Alpine region and the Slovenian case study area, we investigated the ability of SPI and SPEI to detect agricultural drought through validation against annual yield data for several crops and types of grassland, averaged to statistical regions (NUTS3 level). Prior to evaluating indices against yield data, we evaluated SPI and SPEI values calculated from ERA5 reanalyses against SPI and SPEI values calculated from ground observations at representative meteorological stations in Slovenia in order to learn whether the indices calculated in the Alpine domain are relevant on a national level.


SPEI,SPI,Slovenia,ADO,ADO project,ADO platform,cct,Slovenia,Europe,Hydrography,natural dynamics,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate,disasters, accidents, risk,water

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

No abstract provided



No abstract provided



Biotop Bletterbach
Biotope area of the Bletterbach geological Park



No abstract provided



bletterbachshclucht tracks
Bletterbachshclucht Parck tracks



Bolzano: Forest Protective Function
Surfaces with potential forest auto- and hetero-protective function.



Bolzano: Hydrological Risk Map
Hydrological risk maps of the province of Bolzano.



Bolzano: Landslide Hazard Level Map
Gravitational mass movement hazard level maps of the province of Bolzano.



BOZEN AREA: Hexagonal municipality tessellation (~250m)
Tessellation onto regular hexagonal cells of the area of Bolzano at a resolution of ~250m.



BOZEN AREA: tessellated OSM drivable roads (~250m)
Drivable roads from OpenStreetMap over the area of Bozen (South Tyrol) onto an hexagonal tessellation of ~250m.



BOZEN: Hexagonal municipality tessellation (~250m)
Tessellation onto regular hexagonal cells of the municipality of Bolzano at a resolution of ~250m.



BOZEN: Voronoi diagram N.1
Partition of the the municipality of Bolzano into Voronoi regions for proper aggregation of sensitive data (created by APB Osservatorio del Lavoro).



BURUNDI: 2008 Population Census by Communes
From the third general population and housing census of Burundi made by ISTEEBU Institute in 2008.



BURUNDI: 2021 Population estimates by Communes
Population estimation by UNFPA with Institut de Statistiques et d"Etudes Economiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU). Burundi administrative level 0-2 2021 sex and age disaggregated projections from 2008 population census statistics



BURUNDI: Admin Level 0 (International) Boundaries
The dataset represents the international boundaries of Burundi.



BURUNDI: Admin Level 1 Boundaries
The dataset represents the provinces of Burundi.



BURUNDI: Admin Level 2 Boundaries
Burundi Level 2 administrative boundaries.



BURUNDI: Admin Level 2 Boundaries
The dataset represents the communes of Burundi.



BURUNDI: Admin Level 3 Boundaries
The dataset represents the collines of Burundi.



Burundi: Buildings count (100m)
his layer shows gridded buildings with 100m resolution for Burundi. It was extracted from Gridded maps of building patterns throughout sub-Saharan Africa, version 2.0. This raster contains counts of buildings that fall within a grid cell. Each buildings was counted in the grid cell that contained the centroid of its building footprint



BURUNDI: buildings taxonomy per commune
Taxonomy of buildings in Burundi, per each commune (IDOM).



BURUNDI: buildings taxonomy per province
Taxonomy of buildings in Burundi, per each province (IDOM).



BURUNDI: Cropland
Land classified as cropland over Burundi (from Copernicus Land Cover product).



Burundi - Dams (Aquastat)
Dam locations in Burundi extracted from Aquastat Dam database for Africa. AQUASTAT gathers detailed information about dams in each country, especially on location, height, reservoir capacity, surface area and main purpose. http://www.fao.org/aquastat/en/databases/dams



BURUNDI: Gridded Population estimates (2019 | 100m)
Gridded population estimates from WorldPop (10.5258/SOTON/WP00682) over Burundi calibrated to match the 2019 population projections by commune by ISTEEBU/UNFPA (https://data.humdata.org/dataset/burundi-administrative-level-0-2-population-statistics-2018).



BURUNDI: Gridded Population estimates (2021 | 100m)
Gridded population estimates from WorldPop (10.5258/SOTON/WP00682) over Burundi calibrated to match the 2021 population projections by commune by ISTEEBU/UNFPA (https://data.humdata.org/dataset/burundi-administrative-level-0-2-population-statistics-2018).



BURUNDI: Health facilities accessibility
Accessibility to nearest health facility on drivable roads in Burundi.



Burundi: Health sites
This layer contains the health sites in Burundi classified by type. The data source is the Burundi Ministry of Health.



BURUNDI: High resolution landslide susceptibility map (priority areas)
Landslide susceptibility map for the priority areas of Burundi that incorporates landslide release susceptibilities and potential runout paths.


Burundi,bdi_haz_landslides_ras_s5_eurac_re_prio_areas,landslides,natural hazard,WCS

BURUNDI: Land Cover
Land classification over Burundi (from Copernicus Land Cover product).



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (April)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (August)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (February)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (January)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (July)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (June)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (March)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (May)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (national scale)
National-scale unclassified landslide susceptibility map for Burundi.


Burundi,burundi,landslides,natural hazards

BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (November)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (October)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Landslides susceptibility map (September)
The map represents the national landslide susceptibility for the respective month of the year where the rainfall dynamics are included.



BURUNDI: Level-2 Geological Units
Lithological units of Burundi (second step of aggregation).


Burundi,bdi_haz_landslides_pol_s1_eurac_pp_geounits_l2,features,geological units

BURUNDI: Level-3 Geological Units
Lithological units of Burundi (third step of aggregation).


Burundi,bdi_haz_landslides_pol_s1_eurac_pp_geounits_l3,features,geological units

BURUNDI: Level-4 Geological Units
Lithological units of Burundi (fourth step of aggregation).


Burundi,bdi_haz_landslides_pol_s1_eurac_pp_geounits_l4,features,geological units

BURUNDI: Multi-Hazard Average Annual Loss (commune level)
Average Annual Loss (AAL) measured in USDs, estimated for multiple hazards over the communes of Burundi.



BURUNDI: Multi-Hazard Average Annual Loss (province level)
Average Annual Loss (AAL) measured in USDs, estimated for multiple hazards over the provinces of Burundi.



Burundi: named settlements
Geographic names of populated places in Burundi by NGA Geonet Names Server (NGA). Last updated: 12. July 2021.



BURUNDI: OSM airports
Airports of Burundi (OSM).



BURUNDI: OSM bridges
Bridges of Burundi (OSM). OSM Download from September 2020.



BURUNDI: OSM drivable roads
Year-round drivable roads of Burundi from OpenStreetMap (OSM).



BURUNDI: OSM education facilities
Education facilities of Burundi (OSM).



BURUNDI: OSM health facilities
Health facilities in Burundi (OSM).



BURUNDI: OSM intrinsic completeness by discrete classification
OpenStreetMap intrinsic complete analysis by discrete classification of its collines using terrain ruggedness and gridded population estimates as auxiliary predictors.



BURUNDI: OSM roads and footways
All roads and footways of Burundi from OpenStreetMap (OSM).



BURUNDI: OSM sea ports
Sea ports of Burundi (OSM).



BURUNDI: Population by Collines
100m population distribution of Burundi by Worldpop aggregated to colline level.



BURUNDI: Power grid
Electricity transmission network of Burundi (World Bank+REGIDISO). https://energydata.info/dataset/burundi-electricity-transmission-network-2007



BURUNDI: Power plants
Power plants in Burundi with total installed generating capacity 10 mw from the Platts World Electric Power Plants Database (WEPP 2006). https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/burundi-power-plants



BURUNDI: Primary and secondary roads
This layer contains primary and secondary roads in Burundi catagorising the roads into three classes and providing information on surface and usability. The data originates from the Burundi Ministry of Health.



BURUNDI: Priority Areas for landslide risk assessment



Burundi: Protected Areas
This layer shows protected areas in Burundi according to the World Database of protected areas.



BURUNDI: Roads topologic indicators
The layer contains two topologic indicators computed on the nodes (roads intersections and dead-ends) of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) drivable roads dataset: i) Betweenness Centrality, and ii) Current Flow Betweenness Centrality.



BURUNDI: Roads topologic indicators
The layer contains the Betweenness Centrailty indicator computed on the edges of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) main roads (up to tertiary).



BURUNDI: Roads topologic indicators by province
The layer contains two topologic indicators computed on the nodes (roads intersections and dead-ends) of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) drivable roads dataset: i) Betweenness Centrality, and ii) Current Flow Betweenness Centrality. The data has been computed separately on each province of Burundi, then merged on the same file.



Burundi: Schools
This layer shows the location of schools in Burundi. The data originates from BCG.



Burundi: Settlement extents - build-up area
No abstract provided


Burundi,built-up area,burundi,settlements

Burundi: Settlements (OpenStreetMap)
This layer contains populated places extracted from OpenStreetMap 01 July 2021.



BURUNDI: Terrain Ruggedness (7.5 arc-sec)
Terrain ruggedness (elevation standard deviation) over Burundi at 7.5 arc-sec (225 m) of spatial resolution. Cropped from the original GMTED2010 global topographic elevation model from USGS/NGA.



Burundi: Touristic sites
This layers shows touristic sites in Burundi. The data was provided by BCG.



BURUNDI: Vulnerability Indices (colline level)
Vulnerability indices over Burundi at colline level (where available).



BURUNDI: Vulnerability Indices (province level)
Vulnerability indices over Burundi for each province.



CDD - NUTS level 0
Cooling Degree Days at country level (NUTS level 0) is a weather-based technical index designed to describe the need for the heating energy requirements of buildings. CDD is derived from meteorological observations of air temperature, interpolated to regular grids at 25 km resolution for Europe. Calculated gridded CDD is aggregated and subsequently presented on NUTS-0 level.



Jan. 1, 2010, 11:31 a.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 11:31 a.m.

CDD - NUTS level 2
Cooling Degree Day (CDD) index is a weather-based technical index designed to describe the need for the heating energy requirements of buildings. HDD is derived from meteorological observations of air temperature, interpolated to regular grids at 25 km resolution for Europe. Calculated gridded HDD is aggregated and subsequently presented on NUTS-2 level.



Jan. 1, 2010, 4:20 p.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 4:20 p.m.

The layer shows the following information about Plus Energy Buildings (PEB) demo cases: 1) context, 2) key features, 3) owner, 4) Location, 5) Technologies integration, 6) Demo community and 7) partnership.



Jan. 1, 2020, 11:02 a.m. Dec. 31, 2023, 11:02 a.m.

Charging points installed by MOBSTER in South Tyrol
Layer to represent the charging points for e-vehicles installed thanks to the MOBSTER project in South Tyrol.


South Tyrol,e-mobility

Climate Classification - NUTS0
Climate classification in european countries. The climates were extracted by the Koppen-Geiger classification



Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


CO2 concentration - average,H2O concentration - average,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2013, 1 a.m. Dec. 29, 2015, 10 a.m.

Copernicus Land Monitoring Service - EU-DEM
EU-DEM is a digital surface model (DSM) of EEA member and cooperating countries representing the first surface as illuminated by the sensors. It is a hybrid product based on SRTM and ASTER GDEM data fused by a weighted averaging approach.


collection,elevation,terraini,cct,SRTM / ASTER GDEM,Land use,Land cover

June 6, 2024, 2 a.m. June 6, 2024, 2 a.m.

Copernicus Surface Soil Moisture - 1km
The Soil Water Index quantifies the moisture condition at various depths in the soil. It is mainly driven by the precipitation via the process of infiltration. Soil moisture is a very heterogeneous variable and varies on small scales with soil properties and drainage patterns. Satellite measurements integrate over relative large-scale areas, with the presence of vegetation adding complexity to the interpretation.


collection,surface soil moisture,ASCAT,Sentinel-1,ADO project,ADO,Sentinel-1 A/B; MetOp A/B,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2015, 1 a.m. April 19, 2020, 2 a.m.

Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018
CLC2018 is one of the Corine Land Cover (CLC) datasets produced within the frame the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service referring to land cover / land use status of year 2018. CLC service has a long-time heritage (formerly known as "CORINE Land Cover Programme"), coordinated by the European Environment Agency (EEA). It provides consistent and thematically detailed information on land cover and land cover changes across Europe.


collection,Copernicus,Land,Satellite Image Interpretation,2018,Corine,Corine Land Cover,cct,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Daily evaporation product - Ebro basin
Evaporation (E) is the estimated flux of water evaporated from the land surface, including vegetation and bare soil. The product is generated from Two-source Energy Balance (TSEB) model forced by ESA Copernicus Sentinel-2A/B MSI and Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR LST imagery together with ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data. Evaporation maps are available at 100-m spatial resolution for the period 2017-2021 over the Ebro basin in Spain. The spatial extent corresponds to Sentinel-2 tiling grids overlapping with the study area. The E layer contains one single band with evaporation values per day [mm/day] corresponding to Sentinel-3 acquisition day. Invalid pixels, mainly due to cloud contamination and lack of input data for TSEB, are filled with NaN values. Evaporation outputs are generated in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format with metadata included in the file attributes. Datasets are available for each month (Jan-Dec) of the year separately in the form of stacked daily E observations.


Collection,Daily evaporation,TSEB,Sentinel,4DMED project,4DMED,Ebro basin,cct,Hydrography

Jan. 1, 2017, 1 p.m. Dec. 31, 2021, 1 p.m.

Daily evaporation product - Herault basin
Evaporation (E) is the estimated flux of water evaporated from land surface, including vegetation and bare soil. The product is generated from Two-source Energy Balance (TSEB) model forced by ESA Copernicus Sentinel-2A/B MSI and Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR LST imagery together with ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data. Evaporation maps are available at 100-m spatial resolution for the period 2017-2021 over Hérault basin in France. The spatial extent corresponds to Sentinel-2 tiling grids overlapping with the study area. The E layer contains one single band with evaporation values per day [mm/day] corresponding to Sentinel-3 acquisition day. Invalid pixels, mainly due to cloud contamination and lack of the input data for TSEB, are filled with NaN values. Evaporation outputs are generated in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format with metadata included in the file attributes. Datasets are available for each month (Jan-Dec) of the year separately in the form of stacked daily E observations.


Collection,Daily evaporation,TSEB,Sentinel,4DMED project,4DMED,Herault basin,cct,Hydrography

Jan. 1, 2017, 1 p.m. Dec. 31, 2021, 1 p.m.

Daily evaporation product - Medjerda basin
Evaporation (E) is the estimated flux of water evaporated from land surface, including vegetation and bare soil. The product is generated from Two-source Energy Balance (TSEB) model forced by ESA Copernicus Sentinel-2A/B MSI and Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR LST imagery together with ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data. Evaporation maps are available at 100-m spatial resolution for the period 2017-2021 over Medjerda basin in Tunisia. The spatial extent corresponds to Sentinel-2 tiling grids overlapping with the study area. The E layer contains one single band with evaporation values per day [mm/day] corresponding to Sentinel-3 acquisition day. Invalid pixels, mainly due to cloud contamination and lack of the input data for TSEB, are filled with NaN values. Evaporation outputs are generated in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format with metadata included in the file attributes. Datasets are available for each month (Jan-Dec) of the year separately in the form of stacked daily E observations.


Collection,Daily evaporation,TSEB,Sentinel,4DMED project,4DMED,Medjerda basin,cct,Hydrography

Jan. 1, 2017, 1 p.m. Dec. 31, 2021, 1 p.m.

Daily evaporation product - Po basin
Evaporation (E) is the estimated flux of water evaporated from land surface, including vegetation and bare soil. The product is generated from Two-source Energy Balance (TSEB) model forced by ESA Copernicus Sentinel-2A/B MSI and Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR LST imagery together with ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data. Evaporation maps are available at 100-m spatial resolution for the period 2017-2021 over Po basin in Italy. The spatial extent corresponds to Sentinel-2 tiling grids overlapping with the study area. The E layer contains one single band with evaporation values per day [mm/day] corresponding to Sentinel-3 acquisition day. Invalid pixels, mainly due to cloud contamination and lack of the input data for TSEB, are filled with NaN values. Evaporation outputs are generated in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format with metadata included in the file attributes. Datasets are available for each month (Jan-Dec) of the year separately in the form of stacked daily E observations.


Collection,Daily evaporation,TSEB,Sentinel,4DMED project,4DMED,Po basin,cct,Hydrography

Jan. 1, 2017, 1 p.m. Dec. 31, 2021, 1 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 10 minute average,Air Humidity - daily average,Air Pressure - 10 minute average,Air Pressure - daily average,Air Temperature - 10 minute average,Air Temperature - daily average,Air Temperature - daily maximum,Air Temperature - daily minimum,Dew point - 10 minute average,Global Radiation - 10 minute average,Global Radiation - daily average,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - daily sum,Sunshine duration - 10 minute average,Wind Direction - 10 minute average,Wind Speed - 10 minute average,Wind Speed - daily average,LaimburgProvince,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2014, midnight Jan. 1, 2017, 1:40 p.m.

Daily meteorological records - Climate Data Base
The Climate Database (CDB) contains meteorological time series of daily temperature (maximum, minimum and mean) and daily total precipitation for more than 250 station sites in Trentino – South Tyrol region. The data were collected from the regional meteorological networks of Bolzano and Trento Provinces and include open access records from several close sites in Austria. The spanned period is 1950 – 2021. Note that mean temperature is defined by averaging minimum and maximum values in all cases. The CDB was built in the framework of the Use-Case number 8 of the DPS4ESLAB project.


meteo,precipitation,temperature,cct,ground station,Meteorological geographical features

Jan. 1, 1946, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2022, 1 p.m.

DinAlpConnect Project area
This data set represents the considered area between the Alps and Dinaric mountains to analyze the situation of ecological connectivity. Link to map: https://maps.eurac.edu/maps/1140/view File name: DinAlpConnect_Project_area.shp Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,DinAlpConnect_Project_area,Dinaric Alps,features

Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Continuum Suitability Index
This indicator evaluates the landscape permeability for a variety of species on land from 0 to 10, based on land use, population pressure, protection status, fragmentation and topography. File name: DinaricAlps_CSI.tif Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_CSI,GeoTIFF,WCS

Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Ecological Conservation Areas (SACA1)
This data set shows important Ecological Conservation Areas (SACA1), bigger than 100ha, in the Dinaric Alps. These areas are expected to have a high biological value and that ecological connectivity is functioning well. Strategic Connectivity Areas (SACAs) derive from the Continuum Suitability Index. This approach is a way to display via GIS the most important sites for the overall ecological network on a macro-regional level (SACA1). Here, the most important ones were selected by expert evaluation. Filename: DinaricAlps_SACA1_Ecological_Conservation_Areas.shp Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/



Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Ecological Linkages (SACA2)
Ecological linkages are least cost paths, connecting the most important Ecological Conservation Areas (SACA1). They are part of the ecological intervention areas (SACA2). File name: DinaricAlps_SACA2_Regional_ecological_linkages_LCP_Assessment.shp Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_SACA2_Regional_ecological_linkages_LCP_Assessment,features

Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Ecological Restoration Areas / Barriers (SACA3)
Ecological Restoration Areas represent important barriers and have a low continuum suitability index (CSI). Ecological Restoration Areas (SACA3) are those ones, where ecological movements are not possible at the current stage and where it is necessary to implement restoration measures. These areas are currently the main barriers. For the calculation of these areas, all areas with a CSI of 1-4 were selected. File name: DinaricAlps_SACA3_Ecological_Barriers.shp Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_SACA3_Ecological_Barriers,features

Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Ecological stepping stones (SACA1)
Stepping stones are representing areas with a high ecological value, important for ecological linkages. They are calculated by the Continuum Suitability Index (CSI) and the Strategic Connectivity Areas, considering small and less important Ecological Conservation Areas. File name: DinaricAlps_SACA1_Ecological_Stepping_Stones.shp Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_SACA1_Ecological_Stepping_Stones,features

Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Environmental protection indicator
This indicator evaluates the landscape permeability for a variety of species on land from 0 to 10, based on the protection status of protected areas. File name: DinaricAlps_ENV.tif Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_ENV,GeoTIFF,WCS

Jan. 1, 2020, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2020, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Fragmentation indicator
This indicator evaluates the landscape permeability for a variety of species on land from 0 to 10, based on the effective mesh size and the effective mesh density. File name: DinaricAlps_FRA.tif Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_FRA,fragmentation,GeoTIFF,WCS

Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Land cover indicator
This indicator evaluates the landscape permeability for a variety of species on land from 0 to 10, based on land cover classes. File name: DinaricAlps_LAN.tif Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_LAN,GeoTIFF,WCS

Jan. 1, 2018, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2018, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Motorway barriers
This layer is showing motorway barriers with potential ecological linkages in the Dinaric Alps. File Name: DinaricAlps_SACA2_motorway_barriers.shp Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_SACA2_motorway_barriers,features

Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Population indicator
This indicator evaluates the landscape permeability for a variety of species on land from 0 to 10, based on population density data. File name: DinaricAlps_POP.tif


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_POP,GeoTIFF,population density,WCS

Jan. 1, 2018, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2018, 1 a.m.

DinaricAlps: Regional ecological corridors (SACA2)
This layer shows the designed width of ecological corridors, that connect Ecological Conservation Areas. An approximate width of 2km was designed by truncating the normalized cost-weighted distances of the corridors at 40.000 km. File name: DinaricAlps_SACA2_Reg_ecological_corridors.shp Project website: https://dinalpconnect.adrioninterreg.eu/


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_SACA2_Reg_ecological_corridors,features

Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2019, 1 a.m.

Dinaric Alps: Topography indicator
This indicator evaluates the landscape permeability for a variety of species on land from 0 to 10, based on altitude and slope conditions. File name: DinaricAlps_TOP


Europe,Dinaric Alps,DinaricAlps_TOP,GeoTIFF,WCS

Jan. 1, 2020, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2020, 1 a.m.

DrSchär mais field monitoring timeseries
Timeseries of the DrSchär field monitoring in Este (PD) during summer 2022. Dataset of the soil temperature and soil humidity collected from different type of sensors distributed among the mais field. In the field were installed different types of sensors as many TDR sensors and one capacitive sensor; they collect temperature and humidity of the soil. The data from the sensor were collected by two networks: a Zigbee-based and one LoraWAN-based network.


water,humidity,soil moisture,temperature,soil,lorawan,zigbee,tdr,mais,capacitive,sensor,irrigation,Agricultural and aquaculture facilities,Environmental monitoring facilities,agriculture

June 9, 2022, 2 p.m. Aug. 10, 2022, 2 p.m.

Easttyrol: Vaia storm damage areas
No abstract provided



Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


E_QC,Ecosystem respiration,Evapotranspiration,Gross primary production,LE_f,Latent heat - filled,Net CO2 flux - quality checked,Net ecosystem exchange,Sensible heat - filled,Sensible heat - quality checked,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2013, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

Electricity Prices for Households
Electricity prices components for household consumers -annual data (from 2007 onwards). Annual values taken from the Eurostat dataset with a national level resolution.



Jan. 1, 2017, 6:53 p.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 6:53 p.m.

Elevation of South Tyrol
Elevation (Hypsometry) of South Tyrol.


South Tyrol,cartography,defibrillator,drone

April 1, 2023, 2 a.m. Sept. 30, 2023, 2 a.m.

Energy Cultures Drivers
The information provided intends to support a profiling exercise of users’ domestic energy use and how these variations are translated into different domestic energy-intensity practices across EU territories. This layer includes descriptive information on the energy demand dynamics at household level by means of taking into account the cultural-climatic aspects which characterise the EU climatic areas as part of this research.



Jan. 1, 2020, 10:53 a.m. Dec. 31, 2023, 10:53 a.m.

Environmental Parameters
This layer contents specific IEQ data sets provided which are rereferred to the closest possible locations of the Cultural-E demo cases. Specific locations and coordinates are included for each one in the IEQ related files that have been made available for downloading. Each geo-referred location contains IEQ related information and graphics, in the specific: 1. Reference year -.epw file-. 2. Climatic statistical data -.txt file-. Weather data plots, elaborated with Climate consultant and merged in a unique document -.pdf file-. 4. Weather data summary elaborated -.xls file-. Relevant information is provided in relation to: data source, used tool, implemented comfort tool, weather stations spec, software download links. This aims to illustrate the accuracy and "data fairness" of the data provided.



Jan. 1, 2020, 11:08 a.m. Dec. 31, 2020, 11:11 a.m.

EU climate classification (Köppen-Geiger)
The most frequently used climate classification map is that of Wladimir Köppen, presented in its latest version 1961 by Rudolf Geiger. A huge number of climate studies and subsequent publications adopted this or a former release of the Köppen-Geiger map. While the climate classification concept has been widely applied to a broad range of topics in climate and climate change research as well as in physical geography, hydrology, agriculture, biology and educational aspects, a well-documented update of the world climate classification map is still missing. Based on recent data sets from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia and the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) at the German Weather Service, we present here a new digital Köppen-Geiger world map on climate classification for the second half of the 20th century.






Eurac Snow Cloud Removal Modis
Snow maps with clouds removed by spatial and temporal filters


collection,No keywords Available,Aqua, Terra,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 2009, 1 p.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 1 p.m.

Evapotranspiration - Venosta valley
Daily evapotranspiration [mm/day] maps for the Venosta Valley (South Tyrol,Italy) produced with the GEOtop hydrological model.


collection,evapotranspiration,geotop,model,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Sept. 2, 2019, 2 a.m. Aug. 2, 2020, 2 a.m.

Factor available water capacity
USDA soil property map: available water capacity. - Resolution: 500m - Geographical Coverage: Alpine space - Input data: LUCAS 2009 Topsoil- Model: Multivariate Additive Regression Splines (MARS) - Year: 2015. For further information visit the website European soil data centre (ESDAC).


collection,soil map,available water capacity,ESDAC,LUCAS,topsoil,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Factor distance to water
Distance [m] is calculated at each location to the nearest lakes, water reservoirs, and rivers. Rivers were filtered to Strahler order greater than 3.


collection,Distance to large water bodies,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Factor elevation
ADO_elevation is a digital surface model (DSM). For further information visit website copernicus land monitoring service: https://land.copernicus.eu/imagery-in-situ/eu-dem/eu-dem-v1-0-and-derived-products/eu-dem-v1.0?tab=metadata


collection,Digital Elevation Model,Elevation,Copernicus Land,Copernicus,Alps,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Factor humus content
Organic Carbon Content In Topsoils In Europe (OCTOP) - ESDAC makes available the Maps of Organic carbon content (%) in the surface horizon of soils in Europe. Resolution: 1 km - Year: 2004. The result is available as a map and an explaining booklet: The Map of Organic Carbon Content In Topsoils In Europe: Version 1.2 September - 2003 (S.P.I.04.72).


collection,soil Organic Carbon,Carbon content,ESDAC,topsoil,SOC,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Factor landscape diversity
Shannon eveness index provides information on area composition and richness ranging from 0 to 1. It is calculated considering 9 Corine Land Cover classes of numeric matrices using a moving window algorithm of 5 pixels side and dividing this result by its maximum.


collection,landscape diversity,Shannon eveness index,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Factor presence of irrigation infrastructure
Permanently irrigated agricultural land is based on the corine land cover 2018 (CLC) from Copernicus. It has been extracted the permanent irrigated class, which is the class 12 in the CLC raster. The output is a binary raster, whereas 1 corresponds for permanent irrigated land and 0 corresponds to not permanent irrigated land.


collection,permanent irrigated land,presence of irrigation infrastructure,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Factor slope
Slope derived from EU-DEM version 1.0. year: 2000. For further information visit: https://land.copernicus.eu/imagery-in-situ/eu-dem/eu-dem-v1-0-and-derived-products/slope?tab=metadata


collection,Slope,Copernicus,Land,Elevation,Digital Elevation Model,Copernicus Land,Pan-European,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Factor soil texture
USDA soil textural classes derived from clay, silt and sand maps. - Resolution: 500m - Geographical Coverage: Alpine space - Input data: LUCAS 2009 Topsoil- Model: Multivariate Additive Regression Splines (MARS) - Year: 2015- Soil texture is classified into 12 classes: 1: Clay, 2: Silty-Clay, 3: Silty Clay-Loam, 4: Sandy Clay, 5: Sandy Clay-Loam, 6: Clay-Loam, 7: Silt, 8: Silt-Loam, 9: Loam, 10: Sand, 11: Loam Sand, 12: Sandy Loam. For further information visit the website European soil data centre (ESDAC).


collection,soil texture,soil textural classes,ESDAC,LUCAS,topsoil,ADO project,ADO,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Farmhouses in South Tyrol
Layer to represent the position of eight case study buildings of exemplary energy efficient interventions in historic buildings. All buildings are retrofitted farm houses located in South Tyrol province.


Italy,energy refurbishment,historic buildings

Farmhouses in South Tyrol tour
Layer to represent the "tour" to eight case study buildings of exemplary energy efficient interventions in historic buildings. All buildings are retrofitted farm houses located in South Tyrol province.


Italy,historic buildings,virtual tour

Forest fires of July 2021 in Sardinia - One week after
On 24 July 2021, a large fire broke out on the Italian island of Sardinia. With strong winds, high temperatures, and dry vegetation, the blaze spread rapidly. In this image, taken about one week after, it is evident the extension area of the fire. credit: produced from ESA remote sensing data



July 30, 2021, 12:15 p.m. July 30, 2021, 12:15 p.m.

Forest fires of July 2021 in Sardinia - Two days before
On 24 July 2021, a large fire broke out on the Italian island of Sardinia. With strong winds, high temperatures, and dry vegetation, the blaze spread rapidly. In this image, taken about two days before of the event, is it possible to see the destroyed vegetated area. credit: produced from ESA remote sensing data



July 22, 2021, 12:10 p.m. July 22, 2021, 12:10 p.m.

UAV orthophoto of apple orchard maintained by Laimburg Research Centre near Fragsburg for precision mapping of Apple Proliferation



Gas Prices for Household
Layer about Gas prices components for household consumers - annual data, derived by Eurostat datasets at country level.



Jan. 1, 2017, 4 p.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 4 p.m.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Layer about Gross Domestic Product prices components for household consumers - annual data, derived by Eurostat datasets at country level.



Jan. 1, 2010, 12:04 p.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 12:04 p.m.

Harmful pollutants and microclimatic parameters from autonomous low-cost sensors deployed in the city center of Bolzano, Italy
O3, NO2, PM1, PM2.5, PM10, temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure and solar radiation low-cost sensors have been co-located with the certified air quality monitoring station of Bolzano - Italy (UTM 46°49′44″ N, 11°34′24″ E, 262 m a.s.l.) managed by the local environmental agency (APPA). The filed campaign is aimed at comparing the low-cost sensors" timeseries to high-resolution instruments, which comply with the protocol for standardized acquisition released by the European Environmental Agency. The core unit of the low-cost sensors acquisition system is a Raspberry Pi 4, which couples to the sensors via the I2C bus. Specifically, the low-cost sensors involved in the campaign are: O3 (Alphasense OX-A431), NO2 (Alphasense NO2-A431) and PM1, 2.5, 10 (Alphasense OPC-N3), Tin/RHin (Sensirion SHT31), Tout/RHout (Galtech PM15PS), atmospheric pressure (Bosch Sensortech BMP388), and SR (Apogee SP 420 Smart).


air,pollution,relative humidity,temperature,solar radiation,O3,NO2,PM,atmospheric pressure,low cost sensor,cct,Environmental monitoring facilities,air,pollution,radiations,research,urban environment, urban stress

June 9, 2022, 2 p.m. Aug. 10, 2022, 2 p.m.

Heating degree day (HDD) index is a weather-based technical index designed to describe the need for the heating energy requirements of buildings. HDD is derived from meteorological observations of air temperature, interpolated to regular grids at 25 km resolution for Europe. Calculated gridded HDD is aggregated and subsequently presented on NUTS-2 level.



Jan. 1, 2010, 11:27 a.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 11:27 a.m.

HDD - NUTS level 0
Heating degree day (HDD) index is a weather-based technical index designed to describe the need for the heating energy requirements of buildings. HDD is derived from meteorological observations of air temperature, interpolated to regular grids at 25 km resolution for Europe. Calculated gridded HDD is aggregated and subsequently presented on NUTS-0 level.



Jan. 1, 2010, 11:26 a.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 11:26 a.m.

HEU MODERATE Building Stock Data
The HEU MODERATE Building Stock Data provides information regarding the building stock for all EU27 member states at the national level (i.e., NUTS 0) considering 2020 as the reference year. Regarding the Service Sector, the data distinguishes the following subsectors: single-family houses, multifamily houses, and apartment blocks. Regarding the Service Sector, the data distinguishes the following subsectors: offices, trade, education, health, hotels and restaurants, and other non-residential buildings. Moreover, for each subsector, the data distinguishes the following construction periods: before 1945, 1945-1969, 1970-1979, 1980-1989, 1990-1999, 2000-2010, and 2011-2020. For each building stock subsector and construction period, the data provide information regarding total values at the national level for: - Number of buildings - Number of dwellings - Number of dwellings according to ownership (i.e., owner occupied, rented, social housing) - Number of dwellings according to occupation (i.e., occupied, vacant, secondary houses) - Total constructed area - Total heated area - Total cooled area - Total final energy consumption for space heating and domestic hot water - Total final energy consumption for space cooling Moreover, the following average values for single building characteristics are provided: - Number of floors - Volume-to-surface ratio - Vertical area - Ground area - Window surface - U-values for the different building elements (roof, walls, windows, and floors) - Useful energy demand (ued) differentiating between space heating, domestic hot water, and space cooling - Final energy consumption (fed) differentiating between space heating, domestic hot water, and space cooling Finally, the data provide information about the prevalence of: - Building materials and methodology for the different building elements (roof, walls, windows, and floors) - Different systems used for space heating, domestic hot water, and space cooling The data is provided as a `csv` file (long format with all details and data source) and as an excel file (wide format with separate sheets for each country). Data and a complete description of the available fields can be found at https://github.com/MODERATE-Project/building-stock-analysis/tree/main/T3.2-static-analysis The dataset was obtained by combining information from European and national resources and the review of scientific literature. Data gaps were subsequently filled via statistical modeling.


Building Stock,EU27,Residential Sector,Service Sector,Energy Consumption,H&C Systems,Construction Materials,cct,Buildings,energy,building

Jan. 1, 2020, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2020, 1 a.m.

Household Cooking Practices
This Layer shows the share of fuels in the final energy consumption in the residential sector for coocking. The Frequency is annual.



Jan. 1, 2018, 12:38 p.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Households Disposable Income
The Layer shows the households disposable income at the nation level for the household. The frequency is annual. The Unit of measure is GINI. GINI is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income inequality or wealth inequality within a nation or any other group of people. The Gini coefficient measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for example, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, where all values are the same (for example, where everyone has the same income). A Gini coefficient of one (or 100%) expresses maximal inequality among values (e.g., for a large number of people where only one person has all the income or consumption and all others have none, the Gini coefficient will be nearly one).



Jan. 1, 2010, 12:08 p.m. Dec. 31, 2019, 12:08 p.m.

Households Electricity consumption
Layer about Electricity Consumption in Households at nation level. The frequency of data is annual. The dataset is taken from Eurostat dataset.



Jan. 1, 2007, 11:44 a.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

Households Gas Consumption
Layer about Gas Consumption in Households at nation level. The frequency of data is annual. The dataset is taken from Eurostat dataset.



Jan. 1, 2007, 11:41 a.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

Household Space Cooling
The Layers shows the share of final energy consumption in the residential sector for space cooling. The frequency of data is annual.



Jan. 1, 2018, 12:42 p.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

Household Space Heating
The Layers shows the share of fuels in the final energy consumption in the residential sector for space heating. The frequency of data is annual.



Jan. 1, 2018, 12:44 p.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

Hydrological stations with discharge values for ADO project



Hydrological station with Water level values for ADO project



In der Bletterbachschl track
In Der Bletterback park track



No abstract provided



Industry, trade and education buildings in Europe
Layer to represent the position of eight case study buildings of exemplary energy efficient interventions in historic buildings. The case studies represent historic buildings with a particular use, such as for industry, trade or education.


Europe,energy refurbishment,historic buildings

Industry, trade and education buildings in Europe tour
Layer to represent the "tour" to eight case study buildings of exemplary energy efficient interventions in historic buildings. The case studies represent historic buildings with a particular use, such as for industry, trade or education.


Europe,historic buildings,virtual tour

Lighting and Appliances
This layer describes the energy consumption of lights and appliances on National Level for the households. The frequency of data is annual and it is connected with the Nuts0 Level.



Jan. 1, 2018, 12:31 p.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

Locali convenzionati
This layer shows 90 % of the locations of bars/restaurants where the Eurac lunchcard can be used. As of: 01.09.2021.



The information provided in this layer gives an overview of the legislation and requirements in each country and shows how they impact the spread of PEB concepts, with the help of a practical example. Different policies and related boundary conditions in each country have a great influence on the successful implementation of plus energy concepts.Therefore, national funding schemes and local policies are analysed in regard to support renewable energy generation in buildings and favour the connection with the electric grid and other district buildings (e.g. direct delivery of power to neighbour buildings, grid feed-in) as well as the local energy market (e.g. energy prices, feed-in tariff) and foreseen developments and environmental aspects.



Jan. 1, 2020, 10:48 a.m. Dec. 31, 2023, 10:48 a.m.

Mean Snow Cover Duration 2041-2070 RCP8.5
Mean Snow Cover Duration according to climate predictions of the RCP 8.5 scenario from 2041 to 2070



Jan. 1, 2041, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2070, 1 a.m.

In this layer, the user can find a prediction of the occupants" thermal feeling (TF) according to specific scenarios recommended in the Standard EN 16798-1, and values of Operative Temperature referring to the four Indoor Environmental Quality categories.



In this layer, the user can find a prediction of the occupants" thermal feeling (TF) according to specific scenarios recommended in the Standard EN 16798-1, and values of Operative Temperature referring to the four Indoor Environmental Quality categories.



Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Algund2,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 19, 2015, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Girlan1Lamm,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 10, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Gries2NeufeldGreifensteinerweg,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 6, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Lana6,collection,Land use,Land cover

Aug. 17, 2016, 4:15 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Nals2OberauCarli,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 9, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,NeumarktStiermoos,collection,Land use,Land cover

Aug. 8, 2014, 12:08 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Meteo stations information
Layer with informations about meteorological stations for Trentino-Alto Adige region, Austria and Switzerland. The layer describe the Climate-Database of Eurac Research that contains meteorological time series of daily temperature (maximum, minimum and mean) and daily total precipitation for more than 250 station sites.



Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Terlan3,collection,Land use,Land cover

Aug. 8, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Terlan3a,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 18, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Tramin13er,collection,Land use,Land cover

Aug. 17, 2016, 4:20 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 5 minute average,Air Temperature - 5 minute average,Irrigation (on/off),Irrigation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Wind Speed - 5 minute average,Unterrain2FuchsangerEppan,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 10, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 10 minute average,Air Humidity - daily average,Air Pressure - 10 minute average,Air Pressure - daily average,Air Temperature - 10 minute average,Air Temperature - daily average,Air Temperature - daily maximum,Air Temperature - daily minimum,Dew point - 10 minute average,Global Radiation - 10 minute average,Global Radiation - daily average,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - daily sum,Sunshine duration - 10 minute average,Wind Direction - 10 minute average,Wind Speed - 10 minute average,Wind Speed - daily average,LaimburgProvince,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2014, midnight Jan. 1, 2017, 11:50 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Humidity - 10 minute average,Air Humidity - daily average,Air Pressure - 10 minute average,Air Pressure - daily average,Air Temperature - 10 minute average,Air Temperature - daily average,Air Temperature - daily maximum,Air Temperature - daily minimum,Dew point - 10 minute average,Global Radiation - 10 minute average,Global Radiation - daily average,Precipitation - 5 minute sum,Precipitation - daily sum,Sunshine duration - 10 minute average,Wind Direction - 10 minute average,Wind Speed - 10 minute average,Wind Speed - daily average,LaimburgProvince,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Jan. 1, 2017, 11:55 p.m.

Mobile Microclimatic Urban Monitoring
Low-cost cloud-connected position-enriched sensors for mobile monitoring of several environmental parameters have been tested in the city of Bolzano (Italy), proving their suitability in identifying the spatial variability of the local climate in relation to the urban morphology, and for highlighting the presence of urban heat island. An exploratory field campaign has been carried out in May 2021 to monitor the diurnal evolution of the microclimate conditions (Tair/RH fields). Data have been acquired performing three sessions during daytime on weekdays: at morning (i.e. 08:30-10:30), noon (i.e. 12:00-14:00), and afternoon (i.e. 16:00-18:00). The measurements have been carried out in 8 days, chosen for the stationary weather conditions (i.e. clear sky and absence of wind). The selected pathway has a length of 9 km, starting and ending at NOI Techpark, crosses the city center and reaches the northern part of the city. It is specifically designed to monitor areas of Bolzano characterized by different land use, urban morphology, and human activities.


South Tyrol,dps4eslab,features,humidity,sensor,solar,temperature,urban

MOD16 Evapotranspiration - 500 m
Operational MODIS ET product over the Alps


collection,evapotranspiration,energy balance,MOD16,cct,Aqua, Terra,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2001, 1 a.m. Dec. 27, 2019, 1 a.m.

MODIS SNOW map over the ALPS
The collection contains binary snow cover maps covering the entire Alpine Arc. The maps have a daily frequency and a ground resolution of 250 m. They are derived from daily MODIS observations (Aqua and Terra) for the entire Alps arc. The input data are the atmospherically-corrected reflectances of MODIS MOD09GQ, MOD09GA for tile h19v04 and h18v04. The map has two bands - SNOW MAP: Snow cover classification map with four classes [0 = NO DATA - missing or corrupt data of one or more input bands; 1 = SNOW - pixel covered by snow; 2 = NO_SNOW - pixel not covered by snow; 3 = CLOUD - pixel covered by clouds; 4 = OCEAN WATER - pixel over sea and ocean; 5 = INLAND WATER - pixel over lakes and rivers], QUALITY FLAG: Snow cover quality map [NO DATA - missing or corrupt data of one or more input bands; QUALITY_INDEX - higher values indicate higher likeliness of correct classification].


collection,SNOW,MODIS,snow map,Alps,cct,Aqua, Terra,Land use,Land cover

July 3, 2002, 2 p.m. Sept. 22, 2024, 2 p.m.

MONALISA - SOS timeseries
Stations and timeseries of the MONALISA-SOS service. Environmental timeseries collected in the SouthTyrol province by the MONALISA project partners. Query the features and click the link to view last values collected



Monthly climatologies - Climate Data Base
The dataset contains the 1981 – 2010 monthly climatologies of mean, minimum and maximum temperature and total precipitation for more than 250 locations in Trentino – South Tyrol. They were derived from the observation records of the regional meteorological network after checking all series for quality and homogeneity. Climatologies (or normals) are the mean monthly values computed over a 30-years reference interval and they represent the mean local climatic conditions. The CDB was built in the framework of the Use-Case number 8 of the DPS4ESLAB project.


meteo,precipitation,temperature,cct,ground station,climatology

Jan. 1, 1946, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2022, 1 p.m.

Monthly damages LATEST
Mapping of the forest changes occurring in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 at a monthly scale. The outputs shown here are based on the analysis of Sentinel 2 time series. The date corresponds to the first date at which a change was detected.


South Tyrol,Forest

Municipality labels
Layer to display municipalities labels in Trento and Bolzano provinces



In this layer, the user can find a prediction of the occupants" thermal feeling (TF) according to specific scenarios recommended in the Standard EN 16798-1, and values of Operative Temperature referring to the four Indoor Environmental Quality categories.



In this layer, the user can find a prediction of the occupants" thermal feeling (TF) according to specific scenarios recommended in the Standard EN 16798-1, and values of Operative Temperature referring to the four Indoor Environmental Quality categories.



Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index1,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index2,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - average,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down red,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index1,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index2,Photochemical Reflectance Index - average,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up red,domef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 19, 2015, 11:30 a.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index1,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index2,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - average,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down red,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index1,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index2,Photochemical Reflectance Index - average,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up red,domef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 14, 2015, 12:45 p.m. July 2, 2018, 2 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - average,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down red,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Gamon,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up red,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

April 23, 2015, 12:30 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index1,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index2,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - average,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down red,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index1,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index2,Photochemical Reflectance Index - average,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up red,nemef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Feb. 11, 2015, 12:30 p.m. March 22, 2017, 9:45 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index1,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index2,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - average,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down red,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index1,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index2,Photochemical Reflectance Index - average,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up red,nemef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 29, 2015, 9 a.m. May 10, 2017, 1 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index1,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index2,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - average,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down red,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index1,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index2,Photochemical Reflectance Index - average,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up red,vimef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Feb. 12, 2015, 11:45 a.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index1,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Index2,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - average,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down red,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index1,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Index2,Photochemical Reflectance Index - average,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up red,vimes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

March 14, 2015, 4 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - 231m 8 day Maximum Value Composite
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is based on MODIS satellite data. The NDVI is based on 8 day maximum value composite MOD09Q1 (v006) reflectance products. The spatial resolution is 231 m. The NDVI is masked to the highest quality standards using the provided quality layers. Missing pixel values in the time series are linearly interpolated. Non-vegetatated areas are masked using the MODIS land cover product layer MCD12Q1 FAO-Land Cover Classification System 1 (LCCS1). The final product is regridded to the LAEA Projection (EPSG:3035). The NDVI is calculated using the formula NDVI = (NIR - Red) / (NIR + Red). The NDVI expresses the vitality of vegetation. The data is provided as 8 day measures. The time series is starting from 2001. The NDVI values range from -1 - 1, whereas high values correspond to healthy vegetation.


collection,normalized difference vegetation index,ndvi,modis,ADO project,ADO,Terra,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2001, 1 a.m. Jan. 3, 2021, 1 a.m.

Nuts2 alpinespace-Eusalp intersection
The Alpine Drought Observatory - ADO project is interested in discharge (only for stations with a catchment area > 1000 Km2 and currently active), groundwater (only for stations for major groundwater bodies), and major lake levels (only for major water bodies (surface > 5 km2)) data. The overall objective of the Alpine Drought Observatory - ADO project is to create an online drought monitoring platform and develop policy implementation guidelines for proactive drought management in the Alpine regions. The ADO project consortium includes 11 institutions from 6 Alpine countries with a wide range of expertise, covering meteorological and hydrological monitoring, specific knowledge on modeling, drought risk and impact assessment, as well as water governance in the different sectors. Further information about the ADO project can be found here: https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/ado/en/about.



Nuts features level-2 for alpine region. The features represent provinces for this area.



NUTS region, level 2 for the EUSALP area. The border are simplified respect to the original data source to get a lighter version.



No abstract provided



Historical Map (1:50.000) of the Ortler Alps made by Julius Meurer (1838-1923), Gustav Freytag (?-1938) in 1884.



Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,domef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 31, 2014, 11:45 a.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,domef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 14, 2015, 11:15 a.m. July 2, 2018, 2 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,domes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 31, 2014, 3:30 p.m. Aug. 5, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,domes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 5, 2015, 12:15 p.m. April 8, 2017, 8:45 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,dopas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 13, 2014, 3:15 p.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2013, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,nemef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 21, 2014, 3:30 p.m. March 22, 2017, 9:45 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,nemef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 29, 2015, 8 a.m. May 10, 2017, 1 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,nemes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 21, 2014, 1:15 p.m. March 22, 2017, 8:30 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,nemes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 28, 2015, 4:30 p.m. May 10, 2017, 12:15 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,nepas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 28, 2015, 1 p.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,vimef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 10:45 a.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,vimef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 1, 2014, 12:15 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,vimes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

March 14, 2015, 3 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,vimes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 1 p.m. Nov. 3, 2020, 11:15 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Photosynthetically Active Radiation - down average,Photosynthetically Active Radiation - up average,vipas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 3:45 p.m. April 12, 2017, 3:45 p.m.

Past Avalanche Events
Southtyrol: past avalanche events.



Path simulation
Simulation for the START project of the path of 3 person in the Park site. In the future this simulation will be replaced by a near real time updated layer. You can see on the map different position at different time using the arrow of the timeline tool on the map.



This layer provides exemplary national initiatives and guidelines materials for the design and experimentation for high standards of energy efficient buildings such as PEB, ZEB and NZEB. The different national initiatives referenced intends to represent the 4 EU climates which are object of study of CULTURAL-E.



Jan. 1, 2020, 10:59 a.m. Dec. 31, 2023, 10:59 a.m.

Perimeter of the Alpine Convention
Perimeter of the Alpine Convention


Europe,2023,alpine convention,perimeter

Perimeter of the Alpine Space
Perimeter of the Interreg Alpine Space Programme (2022)


Europe,alpine space,features

Perimeter of the European Countries
No abstract provided






PlanToConnect lcp: regional linkages and distance local linkages
This layer shows the Least Cost Path (LCP), defining regional linkages and linkages less than 2.5 km.  “A Least-Cost-Path is defined as the pathway that offers the least resistance to an animal moving from one patch to another (Cushman et al., 2013) and is represented as the linear element (least-cost pathway) that connects two patches.” (Lumia et al., 2023) File name: LCP_Regional_Linkages_and_distance_local_linkages.shp Project website: https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/plantoconnect/


Europe,Alps,eusalp,least cost path,Spatial planning

Aug. 20, 2024, 4:55 p.m. Aug. 20, 2024, 4:55 p.m.

PlanToConnect: motorway barriers
This layer is showing motorway barriers with potential ecological linkages in the Alps. File Name: PlanToConnect_Motorway_barriers.shp Project website: https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/plantoconnect/


Europe,Alps,Ecological Connectivity,Motorway barriers,Urban planning

Aug. 1, 2024, 5:37 p.m. Aug. 1, 2024, 5:37 p.m.

PlanToConnect: potential ecological network EUSALP
This data set shows regional potential ecological network in EUSALP areas. Filename: PlanToConnect_Potential_ecological_network_EUSALP.shp Project website: https://www.alpine-space.eu/project/plantoconnect/


Europe,Alps,Ecological Connectivity,eusalp,Spatial planning

Aug. 2, 2024, 11:14 a.m. Aug. 2, 2024, 11:14 a.m.

Poligoni riferimento bostrico
No abstract provided


South Tyrol,features,poligoni_riferimento_bostrico

Population Density
The ratio between the annual average population and the land area. The land area concept (excluding inland waters) should be used wherever available; if not available then the total area, including inland waters (area of lakes and rivers) is used. The frequency is annual.



Jan. 1, 2007, 12:13 p.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Potential UAS-AED Stations
Potential UAS-AED Network of South Tyrol.


South Tyrol,cartography,defibrillator,drone

April 1, 2023, 2 a.m. Sept. 30, 2023, 2 a.m.

Precipitation Anomalies - ERA5_QM REL_RR-1
Relative precipitation anomalies are based on downscaled ERA5 reanalysis data (downscaling is performed using quantile mapping method) and calculated for different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The values represent the % of normal precipitation, where normal is defined as the long-term average (1981-2020).


collection,RR anomalies,relative precipitation anomalies,precipitation anomalies,ERA5,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Precipitation Anomalies - ERA5_QM REL_RR-12
Relative precipitation anomalies are based on downscaled ERA5 reanalysis data (downscaling is performed using quantile mapping method) and calculated for different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The values represent the % of normal precipitation, where normal is defined as the long-term average (1981-2020).


collection,RR anomalies,relative precipitation anomalies,precipitation anomalies,ERA5,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Precipitation Anomalies - ERA5_QM REL_RR-2
Relative precipitation anomalies are based on downscaled ERA5 reanalysis data (downscaling is performed using quantile mapping method) and calculated for different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The values represent the % of normal precipitation, where normal is defined as the long-term average (1981-2020).


collection,RR anomalies,relative precipitation anomalies,precipitation anomalies,ERA5,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Precipitation Anomalies - ERA5_QM REL_RR-3
Relative precipitation anomalies are based on downscaled ERA5 reanalysis data (downscaling is performed using quantile mapping method) and calculated for different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The values represent the % of normal precipitation, where normal is defined as the long-term average (1981-2020).


collection,RR anomalies,relative precipitation anomalies,precipitation anomalies,ERA5,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Precipitation Anomalies - ERA5_QM REL_RR-6
Relative precipitation anomalies are based on downscaled ERA5 reanalysis data (downscaling is performed using quantile mapping method) and calculated for different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The values represent the % of normal precipitation, where normal is defined as the long-term average (1981-2020).


collection,RR anomalies,relative precipitation anomalies,precipitation anomalies,ERA5,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Precipitation - 30 minute sum,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2013, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - average,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - down red,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up near infrared,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - up red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - Gamon,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - down red,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up near infrared,Photochemical Reflectance Index - up red,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

April 24, 2015, midnight Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

Downscaled landcover classification map using WTE classes generated using the pipeline developed in the AI4EBV project, using Random Forest, for year 2018.


Europe,AI4EBV,land cover,WTE

Jan. 1, 2018, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 1 a.m.

Downscaled landcover classification map using WTE classes generated using the pipeline developed in the AI4EBV project, using Random Forest, for year 2018.


Europe,AI4EBV,land cover,WTE

Jan. 1, 2018, 10:05 a.m. Jan. 1, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

Downscaled landcover classification map using WTE classes generated using the pipeline developed in the AI4EBV project, using Random Forest, for year 2018.


Europe,AI4EBV,land cover,WTE

Jan. 1, 2018, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 1 a.m.

Downscaled landcover classification map using WTE classes generated using the pipeline developed in the AI4EBV project, using Random Forest, for year 2018.


Europe,AI4EBV,land cover,WTE

Jan. 1, 2018, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 1 a.m.

Report on existing monitoring platforms and potential data for the integration into ADO
The purpose of this report is to prepare a foundation for this working process. An overview of the state of drought observation and detection in the Alpine region has been prepared, which will also serve as basis for its upgrade or extension to the entire Alpine area. The state of the art analysis prepared by project partners (at least one per participating country) was conducted by uniform questionnaire that was circulated among ADO project partners covering four topics: drought monitoring approach, drought-information platforms, the regional & EU drought monitoring approach, and potential drought indices in ADO.


SPEI,SPI,Slovenia,ADO,ADO project,ADO platform,cct,Slovenia,Europe,Hydrography,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,natural dynamics,climate,disasters, accidents, risk,water

Jan. 1, 1979, 1 a.m. None

Rund um dolomiten tracks
Rund um dolomiten tracks in the Bletterback park



No abstract provided



No abstract provided



No abstract provided



No abstract provided



Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2018. Displayed as color-infrared (CIR) representation combining the nir, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2018, 3:36 p.m. Sept. 30, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2018. Displayed as true color (RGB) representation combining the red, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2018, 3:34 p.m. Sept. 30, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Sentinel-2 MOSAIC-2019
Sentinel-2 mosaic clouds free. Year 2019



Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2019. Displayed as color-infrared (CIR) representation combining the nir, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2019, 3:33 p.m. Sept. 30, 2019, 3:33 p.m.

Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2019. Displayed as true color (RGB) representation combining the red, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2018, 3:34 p.m. Sept. 30, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2020. Displayed as color-infrared (CIR) representation combining the nir, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2020, 3:30 p.m. Sept. 30, 2020, 3:30 p.m.

Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2020. Displayed as true color (RGB) representation combining the red, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2018, 3:34 p.m. Sept. 30, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2021. Displayed as color-infrared (CIR) representation combining the nir, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2021, 3:24 p.m. Sept. 30, 2021, 3:24 p.m.

Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2021. Displayed as true color (RGB) representation combining the red, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2018, 3:34 p.m. Sept. 30, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2022. Displayed as color-infrared (CIR) representation combining the nir, green and blue bands.



June 1, 2022, 3:22 p.m. Sept. 30, 2022, 3:22 p.m.

Cloudfree satellite mosaic composed of Sentinel-2 images acquired within June and September 2022. Displayed as true color (RGB) representation combining the red, green and blue bands.


Europe,GeoTIFF,rgb,SENTINEL2_MOSAIC_2022_06_09_RGB,south tyrol,WCS

June 1, 2022, 3:20 p.m. Sept. 30, 2022, 3:20 p.m.

No abstract provided



Collection of RGB Sentinel-2 mosaics of the South Tyrol province for the period June-September 2023.



Collection of RGB Sentinel-2 mosaics of the South Tyrol province for the period June-July 2024.


South Tyrol,mosaic,rgb,sentinel

June 1, 2024, 10:51 a.m. July 31, 2024, 10:51 a.m.

Sentinel-2 rgb mosaic no clouds for 2018
This picture is a mosaic with Sntinel-2 images without clouds to estimate the forest coverage in South Tyrol.



Oct. 15, 2018, 2 a.m. Oct. 18, 2018, 2 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Heat Flux 1,Soil Heat Flux 2,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2013, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2015, 10 p.m.

Snow cover phenology
The snow cover phenology dataset was generated by exploiting the snow product MOD10A1.061 and contains the following variables: first snow day (FSD), last snow day (LSD), yearly averaged snow cover area (SCA), snow cover duration (SCD).


Collection,Snow cover phenology,FSD,LSD,SCA,SCD,MODIS,MODIS-Terra,Hydrography

Oct. 1, 2000, 2 a.m. Sept. 30, 2023, 2 a.m.

Snow depth - Venosta Valley
Daily snow depth [mm] maps for the Venosta Valley (South Tyrol,Italy) produced with the GEOtop hydrological model.


collection,snow,depth,geotop,model,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Sept. 2, 2019, 2 a.m. Aug. 2, 2020, 2 a.m.

Soil moisture and temperature datasets in LIDO orchard
Soil moisture and temperature timeserie datasets of the apple orchard located in the Laimburg Integrated Digital Orchard in Bolzano province. The timeseries collects data about soil moisture and temperature at 20 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm under the soil surface in 3 different position of the orchard. Acquisition frequency is 30 minutes for all the parameters.


soil,temperature,water,soil moisture,cct,Soil,Agricultural and aquaculture facilities,agriculture,climate,water,soil

May 26, 2023, 6 p.m. None

Soil Moisture Anomalies - ERA5_QM
The Soil Moisture Anomaly is a drought indicator used to detect and monitor agricultural drought conditions, defined by a prolonged period of deficit in the availability of soil moisture to plants. The soil moisture anomalies provided as part of the Alpine Drought Observatory was derived from ERA5 Volumetric Soil Water Layers at different depths with Layer 1 (0-7cm), Layer 2 (7-28cm), Layer 3 (28–100cm), and Layer 4 (100-289cm). The input ERA5 soil moisture dataset was downscaled using a quantile mapping approach. Daily anomalies were calculated using a climatological mean and standard deviation of soil moisture from a smoothed time-series (running mean on a 10-day window) for a reference period of 1981–2020. The Soil Moisture Anomalies values range from -5 to +5, with negative values indicating drier than conditions while positive values indicate wetter than normal conditions, and -1 to +1 values indicates near-normal conditions. Datasets contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service Information [1980–current year]; contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Information [1980-current year]. Neither the European Commission nor ECMWF is responsible for any use that may be made of the Copernicus information or data it contains.


collection,Soil Moisture,Alpine Drought Observatory,Soil Moisture Anomalies,ERA5,Collection,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1979, 1 p.m. May 27, 2024, 2 p.m.

Solar energy in alpine historic buildings
Layer to represent the position of seven case study buildings of exemplary energy efficient interventions in historic buildings. In all buildings, a photovoltaic or solar thermal system was integrated as one of the renovation measures.


Europe,energy refurbishment,historic buildings

Solar energy in alpine historic buildings tour
Layer to represent the "tour" to seven case study buildings of exemplary energy efficient interventions in historic buildings. In all buildings, a photovoltaic or solar thermal system was integrated as one of the renovation measures.


Europe,historic buildings,virtual tour

Solar Irradiation - Monthly Mean Annual Average
Monthly Mean Annual Average of Solar Irradiation in kW/h.



Southtyrol: Administrative Units and Municipalities
This layer shows the municipality boundaries for Southtyrol, the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen.



SOUTH TYROL: Hexagonal tessellation (~250m)
Tessellation onto regular hexagonal cells of South Tyrol (IT) at a resolution of ~250m.



SOUTH TYROL: impacts of flood events (ED30)
Impacts of flood events in South Tyrol (IT) taken from the ED30 database.



SOUTH TYROL: impacts of landslide events (IFFI)
Impacts of landslides events in South Tyrol (IT) taken from the IFFI (Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy) database [last update 18 Nov 2022].


Italy,events,features,IFFI,landslides,south tyrol,st_hzd_evnt_landslides_pt_s4_p_iffi

South Tyrol Land Use Land Cover (Level 1)
This layer shows the level 1 land use land cover classes for the Province of South Tyrol.


Italy,land cover,landuse,South Tyrol

SOUTH TYROL: Population Density (Ago 2015, 02PM, 100m)
Dynamic population density model for South Tyrol (IT) at 100m of spatial resolution at 2:00 PM (Aug 2015 run).



SOUTH TYROL: Population Density (Aug 2015, 02AM, 100m)
Dynamic population density model for South Tyrol (IT) at 100m of spatial resolution at 2:00 AM (Aug 2015 run).



SOUTH TYROL: Population Density (Feb 2015, 02PM, 100m)
Dynamic population density model for South Tyrol (IT) at 100m of spatial resolution at 2:00 PM (Feb 2015 run).



SOUTH TYROL: Population flow comparison with traffic counts
Absolute difference between traffic counts in the 5-9 AM time interval (2021 averages) and the commuting population flow model output.



Southtyrol Settlements
No abstract provided



SOUTH TYROL: tessellated OSM drivable roads (~250m)
Drivable roads from OpenStreetMap over South Tyrol (IT) onto an hexagonal tessellation of ~250m.


Italy,drive,features,south tyrol,st_tran_rds_ln_s4_osm_pp_drive_250tess,tessellation

SOUTH TYROL: tessellated OSM drivable roads with traffic simulation (~250m)
Drivable roads from OpenStreetMap over South Tyrol (IT) onto an hexagonal tessellation of ~250m, where the weight of each edge is reduced by an amount thatis proportional to the simulation of home->work traffic of South Tyrol.



SOUTH TYROL: Tessellated population day/night (~250m)
Multi-temporal aggregated population data over South Tyrol onto an hexagonal tessellation of ~250m. Day-time, night-time and commuting time are available.



SOUTH TYROL: Traffic counts per hour [2021]
2021 yearly averages of traffic counts per each hour of the day, over South Tyrol.



SOUTH TYROL: Traffic Report (current situation)
Accumulated records of the traffic situation over the roads of South Tyrol (data taken from South Tyrol geo-portal at https://geoservices2.civis.bz.it/geoserver/pczs-Traffic/wfs).



SOUTH TYROL: Traffic Report (mountain roads and passes)
Accumulated records of traffic events over mountain roads and passes in South Tyrol (data taken from South Tyrol geo-portal at https://geoservices2.civis.bz.it/geoserver/pczs-Traffic/wfs).



SOUTH TYROL: Traffic Report (neighbouring countries)
Accumulated records of traffic events related to border areas in South Tyrol (data taken from South Tyrol geo-portal at https://geoservices2.civis.bz.it/geoserver/pczs-Traffic/wfs).



SOUTH TYROL: Traffic Report (public transports)
Accumulated records of traffic events related to public transports in South Tyrol (data taken from South Tyrol geo-portal at https://geoservices2.civis.bz.it/geoserver/pczs-Traffic/wfs).



SOUTH TYROL: Traffic Report (road works and locks)
Accumulated records of works and locks over the roads of South Tyrol (data taken from South Tyrol geo-portal at https://geoservices2.civis.bz.it/geoserver/pczs-Traffic/wfs).



SOUTH TYROL / VAIA: Landslide probability maps
Polygonized time-series of landslide susceptibility (%) over South Tyrol.



SSEBop Evapotranspiration - 1 km
Operational FEWS NET ET product over the Alps


collection,evapotranspiration,ssebop,energy balance,MOD16i,cct,Aqua, Terra,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 11, 2003, 1 a.m. Feb. 1, 2020, 1 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Algund2,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 19, 2015, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index - ERA5_QM SPEI-1
The Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain value of surface water balance (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration) over the selected time period means in relation to expected value of surface water balance for this period. SPEI is calculated on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPEI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions for the surface water balance in the selected period based on the long-term average (1981-2020). The value of 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of the surplus in the surface water balance, while the value of -1 is about one standard deviation of the deficit. Drought is usually defined as period when SPEI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPEI,standardised precipitation-evapotranspiration index,surface water balance anomalies,ERA5,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. May 27, 2024, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index - ERA5_QM SPEI-12
The Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain value of surface water balance (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration) over the selected time period means in relation to expected value of surface water balance for this period. SPEI is calculated on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPEI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions for the surface water balance in the selected period based on the long-term average (1981-2020). The value of 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of the surplus in the surface water balance, while the value of -1 is about one standard deviation of the deficit. Drought is usually defined as period when SPEI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPEI,standardised precipitation-evapotranspiration index,surface water balance anomalies,ERA5,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index - ERA5_QM SPEI-2
The Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain value of surface water balance (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration) over the selected time period means in relation to expected value of surface water balance for this period. SPEI is calculated on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPEI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions for the surface water balance in the selected period based on the long-term average (1981-2020). The value of 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of the surplus in the surface water balance, while the value of -1 is about one standard deviation of the deficit. Drought is usually defined as period when SPEI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPEI,standardised precipitation-evapotranspiration index,surface water balance anomalies,ERA5,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index - ERA5_QM SPEI-3
The Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain value of surface water balance (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration) over the selected time period means in relation to expected value of surface water balance for this period. SPEI is calculated on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPEI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions for the surface water balance in the selected period based on the long-term average (1981-2020). The value of 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of the surplus in the surface water balance, while the value of -1 is about one standard deviation of the deficit. Drought is usually defined as period when SPEI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping.Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPEI,standardised precipitation-evapotranspiration index,surface water balance anomalies,ERA5,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index - ERA5_QM SPEI-6
The Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain value of surface water balance (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration) over the selected time period means in relation to expected value of surface water balance for this period. SPEI is calculated on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPEI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions for the surface water balance in the selected period based on the long-term average (1981-2020). The value of 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of the surplus in the surface water balance, while the value of -1 is about one standard deviation of the deficit. Drought is usually defined as period when SPEI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPEI,standardised precipitation-evapotranspiration index,surface water balance anomalies,ERA5,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation Index - ERA5_QM SPI-1
The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain amount of precipitation over the selected time period means in relation to expected amount of precipitation for this period. SPI is used on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions regarding the amount of precipitation in the selected time scale compared to the long-term average (1981-2020). Value 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of precipitation amount during wet conditions and -1 denotes about one standard deviation of precipitation amount during dry conditions. Drought is usually defined as period when SPI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPI,standardised precipitation index,precipitation anomalies,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation Index - ERA5_QM SPI-12
The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain amount of precipitation over the selected time period means in relation to expected amount of precipitation for this period. SPI is used on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions regarding the amount of precipitation in the selected time scale compared to the long-term average (1981-2020). Value 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of precipitation amount during wet conditions and -1 denotes about one standard deviation of precipitation amount during dry conditions. Drought is usually defined as period when SPI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPI,standardised precipitation index,precipitation anomalies,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation Index - ERA5_QM SPI-2
The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain amount of precipitation over the selected time period means in relation to expected amount of precipitation for this period. SPI is used on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions regarding the amount of precipitation in the selected time scale compared to the long-term average (1981-2020). Value 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of precipitation amount during wet conditions and -1 denotes about one standard deviation of precipitation amount during dry conditions. Drought is usually defined as period when SPI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPI,standardised precipitation index,precipitation anomalies,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation Index - ERA5_QM SPI-3
The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain amount of precipitation over the selected time period means in relation to expected amount of precipitation for this period. SPI is used on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions regarding the amount of precipitation in the selected time scale compared to the long-term average (1981-2020). Value 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of precipitation amount during wet conditions and -1 denotes about one standard deviation of precipitation amount during dry conditions. Drought is usually defined as period when SPI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPI,standardised precipitation index,precipitation anomalies,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Oct. 2, 2023, 2 p.m.

Standardised Precipitation Index - ERA5_QM SPI-6
The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain amount of precipitation over the selected time period means in relation to expected amount of precipitation for this period. SPI is used on different time scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months). The value of the SPI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions regarding the amount of precipitation in the selected time scale compared to the long-term average (1981-2020). Value 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of precipitation amount during wet conditions and -1 denotes about one standard deviation of precipitation amount during dry conditions. Drought is usually defined as period when SPI values fall below -1. Input precipitation data is downscaled from ERA5 reanalysis using quantile mapping. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SPI,standardised precipitation index,precipitation anomalies,ADO project,ADO,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. April 24, 2019, 2 p.m.

Standardised Snow Pack Index - ERA5_QM SSPI-10
The Standardized Snow Pack Index (SSPI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain value of snow water equivalent (SWE) averaged over the selected time period means in relation to the expected value for this period. SSPI is computed the same way as the SPI (using gamma distribution), except for being based on daily SWE timeseries instead of daily precipitation. It is calculated using the average SWE over a period of 10 and 30 days. The value of the SSPI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions for the average SWE in the selected period based on the long-term average (1981-2020). The value of 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of the surplus, while the value of -1 is about one standard deviation of the deficit. SWE data used as input for the calculation of SSPI are derived using a modified version of the deterministic snow model SNOWGRID-CL, with downscaled ERA5 data used as model input data. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SSPI,standardised snow pack index,ERA5,SNOWGRID,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Nov. 27, 2023, 1 p.m.

Standardised Snow Pack Index - ERA5_QM SSPI-30
The Standardized Snow Pack Index (SSPI) represents a standardized measure of what a certain value of snow water equivalent (SWE) averaged over the selected time period means in relation to the expected value for this period. SSPI is computed the same way as the SPI (using gamma distribution), except for being based on daily SWE timeseries instead of daily precipitation. It is calculated using the average SWE over a period of 10 and 30 days. The value of the SSPI index around 0 represents the normal expected conditions for the average SWE in the selected period based on the long-term average (1981-2020). The value of 1 represents approximately one standard deviation of the surplus, while the value of -1 is about one standard deviation of the deficit. SWE data used as input for the calculation of SSPI are derived using a modified version of the deterministic snow model SNOWGRID-CL, with downscaled ERA5 data used as model input data. Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [1978-current year]; Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service information [1978-current year].


collection,SSPI,standardised snow pack index,ERA5,SNOWGRID,cct,N/A,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 31, 1978, 1 p.m. Nov. 27, 2023, 1 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,domef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 31, 2014, 11:45 a.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,domef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 14, 2015, 11:15 a.m. July 2, 2018, 2 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,domes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 31, 2014, 3:30 p.m. Aug. 5, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,domes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 5, 2015, 12:15 p.m. April 8, 2017, 8:45 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,dopas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 13, 2014, 3:15 p.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Eppanberg,collection,Land use,Land cover

June 27, 2014, 11 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Temperature - 60cm,Soil Water Potential - 20cm,Soil Water Potential - 40cm,Soil Water Potential - 60cm,Eppanberg,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 25, 2015, 1:45 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Girlan1Lamm,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 10, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

The product contains the gridded daily series of mean precipitation at 250-m spatial resolution for the region Trentino – South Tyrol. The dataset was obtained by interpolating on a 250-m resolution grid the observed monthly climatologies of more than 200 station sites of the regional meteorological network and some extra-regional sites close to the borders. All observation data used for deriving the gridded fields were prior checked for quality and homogeneity and they are stored in the Climate Database: https://edp-portal.eurac.edu/cdb_doc/. The climatologies refer to the averages over a reference 30-year period. Further details can be found in the published paper (Crespi et al., 2021; https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-2801-2021). The dataset is also available in PANGAEA repository.


collection,Precipitation,Daily,High-resolution,cct,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2020, 1 p.m. Jan. 1, 2023, 1 p.m.

The product contains the gridded daily series of mean temperature at 250-m spatial resolution for the region Trentino – South Tyrol. The dataset currently spans the period 1980 – 2020, but it is expected to be regularly updated. It was obtained by applying an anomaly-based interpolation to the observations of more than 200 station sites of the regional meteorological network and some extra-regional sites close to the borders. All station series used for deriving the gridded fields were prior checked for quality and homogeneity and they are stored in the Climate Database: https://edp-portal.eurac.edu/cdb_doc/. Mean temperature was here defined as the daily average of maximum and minimum temperature. Further details can be found in the published paper (Crespi et al., 2021; https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-2801-2021). The dataset is also available in PANGAEA repository.


collection,Temperature,Daily,High-resolution,cct,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2020, 1 p.m. Jan. 1, 2023, 1 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Gries2NeufeldGreifensteinerweg,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 6, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Kaltern,collection,Land use,Land cover

July 10, 2014, 10 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Temperature - 60cm,Soil Water Potential - 20cm,Soil Water Potential - 40cm,Soil Water Potential - 60cm,Kaltern,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 25, 2015, 5:45 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Laimburg,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 29, 2014, 2:15 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Lana6,collection,Land use,Land cover

July 19, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

The product contains the gridded climatologies of monthly total precipitation for Trentino – South Tyrol for the period 1981–2010. The dataset was obtained by interpolating on a 250-m resolution grid the observed monthly climatologies of more than 200 station sites of the regional meteorological network and some extra-regional sites close to the borders. All observation data used for deriving the gridded fields were prior checked for quality and homogeneity and they are stored in the Climate Database:https://edp-portal.eurac.edu/cdb_doc/. The climatologies refer to the averages over a reference 30-year period. Further details can be found in the published paper (Crespi et al., 2021; https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-2801-2021). The dataset is also available in PANGAEA repository.


collection,Temperature,Climatologies,Daily,High-resolution,cct,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 1980, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2010, 1 a.m.

The product contains the gridded climatologies of monthly mean temperature for Trentino – South Tyrol for the period 1981–2010. The dataset was obtained by interpolating on a 250-m resolution grid the observed monthly climatologies of more than 200 station sites of the regional meteorological network and some extra-regional sites close to the borders. All observation data used for deriving the gridded fields were prior checked for quality and homogeneity and they are stored in the Climate Database:https://edp-portal.eurac.edu/cdb_doc/. Mean temperature was here defined as the average of maximum and minimum temperature. The climatologies represent the mean values over a reference 30-year period. Further details can be found in the published paper (Crespi et al., 2021; https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-2801-2021).


collection,Temperature,Climatologies,Daily,High-resolution,cct,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 1980, 1 a.m. Dec. 31, 2010, 1 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Nals2OberauCarli,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 9, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nemef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 21, 2014, 3:30 p.m. March 22, 2017, 9:45 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nemef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 29, 2015, 8 a.m. May 10, 2017, 1 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nemes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 21, 2014, 1:15 p.m. March 22, 2017, 8:30 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nemes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 28, 2015, 4:30 p.m. May 10, 2017, 12:15 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nepas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 28, 2015, 1 p.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,NeumarktStiermoos,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 24, 2014, 3:15 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,StPaulsFeld,collection,Land use,Land cover

June 27, 2014, 10 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 8:15 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Temperature - 60cm,Soil Water Potential - 20cm,Soil Water Potential - 40cm,Soil Water Potential - 60cm,StPaulsFeld,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 25, 2015, 1:15 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 8:15 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Terlan3,collection,Land use,Land cover

Aug. 8, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Terlan3a,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 18, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Tramin13er,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 25, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Unterrain2FuchsangerEppan,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 10, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vimef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 10:45 a.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vimef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 1, 2014, 12:15 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vimes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

March 14, 2015, 3 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vimes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 1 p.m. Nov. 3, 2020, 11:15 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vipas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 3:45 p.m. April 12, 2017, 3:45 p.m.

Süd-Ago-Ost: Betweenness centrality on OSM drivable roads
Betweenness centrality topologic indicator calculated on the OSM drivable roads over the trans-national area composed of Alto Adige / Südtirol, Agordino (Belluno, Italy), and Osttirol (Lienz districit, Austria).


Austria,betweenness centrality,drive,features,osm,sudagoost_tran_rds_ln_s4_osm_pp_drive_betwcentr

Süd-Ago-Ost: Hospitals accessibility on OSM drivable roads
Hospital accessibility indicator calculated on the OSM drivable roads over the trans-national area composed of Alto Adige / Südtirol, Agordino (Belluno, Italy), and Osttirol (Lienz districit, Austria).



Sept. 28, 2021, 2 p.m. Sept. 29, 2021, 2 p.m.

Süd-Ago-Ost: OSM drivable roads
Drivable roads from OpenStreetMap over the trans-national area composed of Alto Adige / Südtirol, Agordino (Belluno, Italy), and Osttirol (Lienz districit, Austria).



Süd-Ago-Ost: OSM main roads
Main roads from OpenStreetMap over the trans-national area composed of Alto Adige / Südtirol, Agordino (Belluno, Italy), and Osttirol (Lienz districit, Austria).



Suitable areas in Canton Ticino for e-bike chargers
Layer to represent the most suitable locations for installing charging infrastructure for e-bikes in Canton Ticino (Switzerland).



Suitable areas in Canton Ticino for e-car chargers
Layer to represent the most suitable locations for installing charging infrastructure for e-cars in Canton Ticino (Switzerland).



Suitable areas in South Tyrol for e-bike chargers
Layer to represent the most suitable locations for installing charging infrastructure for e-bikes in South Tyrol.



Suitable areas in South Tyrol for e-car chargers
Layer to represent the most suitable locations for installing charging infrastructure for e-cars in South Tyrol.



Suitable areas in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola for e-bike chargers
Layer to represent the most suitable locations for installing charging infrastructure for e-bikes in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola province.



Suitable areas in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola for e-car chargers
Layer to represent the most suitable locations for installing charging infrastructure for e-cars in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola province.



Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Algund2,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 19, 2015, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,domef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 31, 2014, 11:45 a.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,domef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 14, 2015, 11:30 a.m. July 2, 2018, 2 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,domes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 31, 2014, 3:30 p.m. Aug. 5, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,domes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 5, 2015, 12:15 p.m. April 8, 2017, 8:45 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,dopas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 13, 2014, 3:15 p.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Eppanberg,collection,Land use,Land cover

June 27, 2014, 11 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Girlan1Lamm,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 10, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Gries2NeufeldGreifensteinerweg,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 6, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Kaltern,collection,Land use,Land cover

July 10, 2014, 10 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


SWC_60cm,Soil Water Content (control) - 0-30cm,Soil Water Content (trenched plots) - 0-30cm,Soil Water Content - 0-30cm,Soil Water Content - 30cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2013, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Laimburg,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 29, 2014, 2:15 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Lana6,collection,Land use,Land cover

July 19, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Nals2OberauCarli,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 9, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nemef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 21, 2014, 3:30 p.m. March 22, 2017, 9:45 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nemef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 29, 2015, 8:30 a.m. May 10, 2017, 1 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nemes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 21, 2014, 1:15 p.m. March 22, 2017, 8:30 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nemes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 28, 2015, 4:45 p.m. May 10, 2017, 12:15 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,nepas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 28, 2015, 1:15 p.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,NeumarktStiermoos,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 24, 2014, 3:15 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,StPaulsFeld,collection,Land use,Land cover

June 27, 2014, 10 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 8:15 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Terlan3,collection,Land use,Land cover

Aug. 8, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Terlan3a,collection,Land use,Land cover

Dec. 18, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Tramin13er,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 25, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 40cm,Unterrain2FuchsangerEppan,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 10, 2014, 12:05 a.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:55 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vimef1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 10:45 a.m. Dec. 17, 2020, 7 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vimef2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Nov. 1, 2014, 1:15 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vimes1500,collection,Land use,Land cover

March 14, 2015, 3:15 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vimes2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 1 p.m. Nov. 3, 2020, 11:15 a.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 2cm,Soil Temperature - 5cm,Soil Water Content - 20cm,Soil Water Content - 2cm,Soil Water Content - 5cm,vipas2000,collection,Land use,Land cover

Oct. 29, 2014, 3:45 p.m. April 12, 2017, 3:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Temperature - 60cm,Soil Water Potential - 20cm,Soil Water Potential - 40cm,Soil Water Potential - 60cm,Eppanberg,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 25, 2015, 1:45 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Soil Temperature - 20cm,Soil Temperature - 40cm,Soil Temperature - 60cm,Soil Water Potential - 20cm,Soil Water Potential - 40cm,Soil Water Potential - 60cm,Kaltern,collection,Land use,Land cover

May 25, 2015, 5:45 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Air Temperature - 30 minute average,Relative Air Humidity - 30 minute average,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2013, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

Test layer alternative fuel pag.10
iMONITRAF layer, Alternative fuel pag 10 of the document



The Alpine Drought Impact report Inventory (EDIIALPS)
The presented data of the Alpine Drought Impact report Inventory (EDIIALPS V1.1) is a slight update of the version 1.0 with some new entries until 2020. The EDIIALPS archives negative drought impacts as text-reports in the "Alpine Space" region and is a sub database of the European Drought Impact report Inventory (EDII). The data resulted from collaborative work from various project partners.


drought,alps,impact,database,text data,cct

June 1, 1503, 1 a.m. Oct. 1, 2021, 2 p.m.

Tofana Global Position System receiving station
Global Position System receiving station timeseries datasets. The receiving station is located on the above infrastructure for the cable lift of Freccia nel Cielo in Tofana di Mezzo at about 2800 m above the sea level. The main goal is monitoring the movement of the cable infrastructure, in the contest of the RESCUE PERMAFROST project .Time interval is double: 1 hour and 1 day. Spatial Reference System is EPSG:32633.


GPS,permafrost,GNSS,sensor,Buildings,Geology,Transport networks,Elevation,natural dynamics,natural areas, landscape, ecosystems,climate

Sept. 25, 2023, 2 a.m. Oct. 10, 2023, 2 a.m.

Extent of the cross-border study area for the TRANSALP project, which includes South Tyrol (IT), Valle Agordino (Veneto, IT), and East Tyrol (AT).



TRANSALP Study Area Agordino - Valle del Cordevole
This layer shows the geographic extent of the TRANSALP study area Agordino - Valle del Cordevole.



TRANSALP Study Area Agordino - Valle del Cordevole (IT)
This layer shows the spatial extent of the Transalp study area Agordino - Valle del Cordevole.


Global,extent,study area,Veneto

TRANSALP Study Area: Betweenness centrality on tessellated OSM drivable roads
Betweenness centrality topologic indicator calculated on the OSM drivable roads over the trans-national area of South Tyrol (IT), Agordino (Veneto, IT) and East Tyrol (AU). Roads have been projected onto a 250m regular hexagonal tessellation before analysis.


Austria,betweenness centrality,drive,features,osm,tessellation,transalp_tran_rds_ln_s4_osm_pp_drive_250tess_betwcentr

TRANSALP Study Area: CORINE Land Cover 2018
The Copernicus "CORINE Land Cover" dataset of 2018, clipped over the TRANSALP project cross-border test area.



TRANSALP Study Area East Tyrol
This layer shows the spatial extent of the TRANSALP study area East Tyrol.


Austria,East tyrol,study area

TRANSALP Study Area: Hexagonal tessellation (~250m)
Tessellation onto regular hexagonal cells of the TransAlp project"s study area, which comprises South Tyrol (IT), Valle Agordina (Veneto) and East Tyrol (AU), at a resolution of ~250m.



TRANSALP Study Area: Hospitals accessibility on tessellated OSM drivable roads
Hospital accessibility indicator calculated on the tessellated OSM drivable roads over the trans-national area covering South Tyrol (IT), Agordino (Veneto, IT), and East Tyrol (AU).



TRANSALP Study Area South Tyrol
This layer shows the geographic extent of the TRANSALP study area South Tyrol.


Italy,extent,South Tyrol

TRANSALP Study Area: tessellated OSM drivable roads (~250m)
Drivable roads from OpenStreetMap over TransAlp project"s study area (South Tyrol, East Tyrol, Valle Agordina) onto an hexagonal tessellation of ~250m.



TRANSALP Study Area: Tessellated population (~250m)
Aggregated population data over the TransAlp project"s study area, which comprises South Tyrol (IT), Valle Agordina (Veneto) and East Tyrol (AU), onto an hexagonal tessellation of ~250m.



This layer represents the first draft of a forest mask for the province of South Tyrol based on classification of Sentinel-2 images acquired between 2015 and 2018.


South Tyrol,Forest,forest mask,south tyrol

Final Tree Mask of 2018 for the province of South Tyrol based on on the classification of spectral-temporal metrics of Sentinel-2 images between 2015-2018 as well as slope and elevation information from the EU-DEM.


South Tyrol,Forest,forest map,south tyrol

Tree Mask of 2019 for the province of South Tyrol based on on the classification of spectral-temporal metrics of Sentinel-2 images between 2017-2019 as well as slope and elevation information from the EU-DEM. Changes since mapping began in 2018 were accounted for by assessing vegetation changes using the NDVI threshold for the respective year (based on Sentinel-2 data).


South Tyrol,Forest,forest mask,south tyrol

Tree Mask of 2020 for the province of South Tyrol based on on the classification of spectral-temporal metrics of Sentinel-2 images between 2018-2020 as well as slope and elevation information from the EU-DEM. Changes since 2018 were accounted for by assessing vegetation changes using the NDVI threshold for the respective year (based on Sentinel-2 data).


South Tyrol,Forest,forest mask,south tyrol

Tree Mask of 2021 for the province of South Tyrol based on the classification of spectral-temporal metrics of Sentinel-2 images between 2019-2021 as well as slope and elevation information from the EU-DEM. Changes since 2018 were accounted for by assessing vegetation changes using the NDVI threshold for the respective year (based on Sentinel-2 data).


Global,Forest,forest map,south tyrol

Tree Mask of 2022 for the province of South Tyrol based on on the classification of spectral-temporal metrics of Sentinel-2 images between 2020-2022 as well as slope and elevation information from the EU-DEM. Changes since 2018 were accounted for by assessing vegetation changes using the NDVI threshold for the respective year (based on Sentinel-2 data).


South Tyrol,Forest,forest map,south tyrol

TVO: OSM drivable roads
OpenStreetMap drivable roads over Trentino Alto-Adige, Veneto and Osttirol (Austria).



Tyrol: Roads Network
Lineares Referenzsystem der Verkehrsinfrastrukturen von Tirol - beinhaltet Hochrangiges Strassen- und Bahnnetz bis hin zu den Fuss- und Wanderwegen. Originaldatensatz wird in der Graphenintegrations-Plattform Tirol gewartet.



UAS-AED Coverage of South Tyrol
Coverage of the proposed UAS-AED Network of South Tyrol.


South Tyrol,cartography,defibrillator,drone

April 1, 2023, 2 a.m. Sept. 30, 2023, 2 a.m.

UAS-AED Density of South Tyrol
Density of the proposed UAS-AED Network of South Tyrol.


South Tyrol,cartography,defibrillator,drone

April 1, 2023, 2 a.m. Sept. 30, 2023, 2 a.m.

UAS-AED Influence Areas of South Tyrol
UAS-AED Stations Influence Areas (Thiessen Polygons) of South Tyrol.


South Tyrol,cartography,defibrillator,drone

April 1, 2023, 2 a.m. Sept. 30, 2023, 2 a.m.

UAS-AED Suitability of South Tyrol
UAS-AED Suitability for the proposed UAS-AED Network of South Tyrol.


South Tyrol,cartography,defibrillator,drone

April 1, 2023, 2 a.m. Sept. 30, 2023, 2 a.m.

UAS Feasibility Land Use of South Tyrol
UAS Feasibility Land Use of South Tyrol.


South Tyrol,cartography,defibrillator,drone

April 1, 2023, 2 a.m. Sept. 30, 2023, 2 a.m.

UAV DataCubes
High resolution - hyperspectral maps as part of the data time series produced by MONALISA project. 16 Hyperspectral bands and Orthomosaic and Digital Surface models


collection,UAV,Multispectral,Suface models,UAV octocopter,Land use,Land cover

Sept. 4, 2019, 2 a.m. Sept. 4, 2019, 2 a.m.

UAV DataCubes 20150507
HR Digital surface models, HR Land monitoring, HR Multi-spectral imaging


collection,UAV,Multispectral,Suface models,Soleon,Land use,Land cover

May 7, 2015, 2 a.m. May 7, 2015, 2 a.m.

UAV DataCubes 20150821
HR Digital surface models, HR Land monitoring, HR Multi-spectral imaging


collection,UAV,Multispectral,Suface models,Soleon,Land use,Land cover

Aug. 21, 2015, 2 a.m. Aug. 21, 2015, 2 a.m.

UAV DataCubes 20150909
HR Digital surface models, HR Land monitoring, HR Multi-spectral imaging


collection,UAV,Multispectral,Suface models,Soleon,Land use,Land cover

Sept. 9, 2015, 2 a.m. Sept. 9, 2015, 2 a.m.

Vegetation Condition Index - 231 m 8 days
The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) is based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from MODIS satellite data. The NDVI is based on 8 day maximum value composite MOD09Q1 (v006) reflectance products. The spatial resolution is 231 m. The NDVI is masked to the highest quality standards using the provided quality layers. Missing pixel values in the time series are linearly interpolated. Non-vegetated areas are masked using the most recent Corine Land Cover product version for the according year. The final product is regridded to the LAEA Projection (EPSG:3035). The VCI is calculated using the formula VCIi = (NDVIi - NDVImin,i)/(NDVImax,i - NDVImin,i) * 100. The VCI expresses anomalies of the NDVI. The data is provided as 8 day measures. The time series is starting from 2001. The VCI values range from 0-100, whereas high values correspond to healthy vegetation and low values indicate stressed vegetation.


collection,vegetation condition index,vci,modis,ADO project,ADO,Terra,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2001, 1 a.m. Aug. 29, 2022, 2 a.m.

Vegetation Health Index - 231 m 8 days
The Vegetation Health Index (VHI) is based on a combination of products extracted from vegetation signals, namely the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the land surface temperature, both derived from MODIS satellite data. The NDVI is based on 8 day maximum value composite MOD09Q1 (v006) reflectance and the land surface temperature (LST) on 8 day MOD11A2 (v006) LST products. The spatial resolution is 231 m, therefore the original 1000 m resolution of the MOD11A2 LST is downscaled to 231 m of the MOD09Q1 reflectance. Both products are masked to the highest quality standards using the provided quality layers. Missing pixel values in the time series are linearly interpolated. Non-vegetated areas are masked using the most recent Corine Land Cover product version for the according year. The final product is regridded to the LAEA Projection (EPSG:3035). The VHI relies on a strong inverse correlation between NDVI and land surface temperature, since increasing land temperatures are assumed to act negatively on vegetation vigour and consequently to cause stress. The data is provided as 8 day measures. The time series is starting from 2001. The VHI values range from 0-100, whereas high values correspond to healthy vegetation and low values indicate stressed vegetation.


collection,vegetation health index,vhi,modisi,ADO project,ADO,Terra,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2001, 1 a.m. Aug. 29, 2022, 2 a.m.

Veneto: Roads Network
Rete stradale derivata da DataBase strati prioritario in scala 1:10.000 (Regione Veneto,Sezione Pianificazione Territoriale Strategica e Cartografia)



Warm Spell Duration Index in Trentino-South Tyrol, IT (1971-2100)
Annual count of days with at least 6 consecutive days when TX > 90th percentile


collection,wsdi,FAct CLIMAX,Trentino,South Tyrol,Projection,No platform assigned,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 1970, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2102, 12:59 a.m.

Water Heating
The Layer of share of final energy consumption in the residential sector for water heating. The frequency of data is annual.



Jan. 1, 2018, 12:41 p.m. Dec. 31, 2018, 12:41 p.m.




Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


East-West wind component,North-South wind component,Sonic Air Temperature - average,Vertical wind component,Wind Speed - average,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 1, 2013, 1 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

World Land Cover Himalayas 2015
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Himalayas 2016
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Himalayas 2017
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Himalayas 2018
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Himalayas 2019
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Himalayas 2020
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Province 2015
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Province 2016
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Province 2017
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Province 2018
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Province 2019
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Land Cover Province 2020
Downscaled land cover component of the World Terrestrial Ecosystem maps of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Himalayas 2015
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Himalayas 2016
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Himalayas 2017
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Himalayas 2018
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Himalayas 2019
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Himalayas 2020
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Province 2015
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Province 2016
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Province 2017
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Province 2018
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Province 2019
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



World Terrestrial Ecosystems Province 2020
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems map of the AI4EBV project.



Offering (timeseries group) of the Sensor Observation Service - SOS - collected within the MONALISA project belonging to a network of 31 measuring stations in the Bolzano province. The offering groups timeseries from a specific sensor installed in the station site. Timeseries are identified with the observed parameter name that are listed in the keywords list. The naming convention of the title define the offering identification name: “Offering”_”Station name and altitude”. The complete list of the timeseries provided by the web service, is available in json format in the API: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/api/v1/timeseries/ . Further information can be found on the project website: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/. To browse and/or download the timeseries data a map viewer is available: http://monalisasos.eurac.edu/sos/static/client/helgoland/index.html#/map


Incoming short wave radiation - average,Net radiation,Outgoing short wave radiation - average,KalternEddyCov,collection,Land use,Land cover

Jan. 31, 2013, 11:30 a.m. Jan. 1, 2016, midnight

Yearly damages LATEST
Mapping of the forest changes occurring in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 at a yearly scale. The outputs shown here are based on the analysis of Sentinel 2 time series. The date corresponds to the first date at which a change was detected.


South Tyrol,Forest