Daily snow depth [mm] maps for the Venosta Valley (South Tyrol,Italy) produced with the GEOtop hydrological model.
collection, snow, depth, geotop, model, Land use, Land cover
Eurac Research - Institute for Earth Observation |
bartolomeo.ventura@eurac.edu |
Viale Druso, 1 / Drususallee 1, Eurac Research, Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 39100, Italy |
2019-09-02T00:00:00Z 2020-08-02T00:00:00Z
WGS-84 (32632:EPSG)
Imagery base maps earth cover
# login ----
host = "https://openeo.eurac.edu"
con = connect(host = host)
# check login ---
# load collection - save result ----
p = processes()
data = p$load_collection(id = "GEOtop_snowdepth",
spatial_extent = list(west = 10.279193,
east = 11.115939,
south = 46.446918,
north = 46.870978),
temporal_extent = list("2019-09-02T00:00:00Z", "2020-08-02T00:00:00Z"))
result = p$save_result(data = data, format="netCDF")
# download results ----
# either directly (suitable for smaller requests)
format = "netCDF",
output_file = "GEOtop_snowdepth.nc",
con = con)
# or start a batch job (suitable for larger requests)
job_id = create_job(graph = result,
title = "GEOtop_snowdepth",
description = "GEOtop_snowdepth",
format = "netCDF")
start_job(job = job_id)
result_list = list_results(job = job_id)
download_results(job = job_id, folder = ".")
#pip install openeo
import openeo
# login ----
euracHost = "https://openeo.eurac.edu"
conn = openeo.connect(euracHost).authenticate_oidc(client_id="openEO_PKCE")
# load collection - save result ----
data = conn.load_collection("GEOtop_snowdepth",spatial_extent={'west':10.279193,'east':11.115939,'south':46.446918,'north':46.870978},temporal_extent=["2019-09-02T00:00:00Z", "2020-08-02T00:00:00Z"])
result = data.save_result(format="NetCDF")
# download results ----
# either directly (suitable for smaller requests, closes the connection after 2 minutes)
# or start a batch job (suitable for larger requests, e.g. when .download() timeouts)
job = result.create_job(title = "GEOtop_snowdepth",description = "GEOtop_snowdepth",out_format = "netCDF")
jobId = job.job_id
jobResults = job.get_results()
Name | Description | Link | Date published | Category |
openEO for ADO project | Tutorial and snippets on how to use openEO in the ADO project | Link | Sept. 15, 2021 | OpenEO |
EDP video tutorial | Presentation of edp-platform and tutorial for data analysis and processing | Link | Sept. 15, 2021 | OpenEO |
Official OpenEO documentation and project site | Official Documentation provided in the project web site for a deeper overview and introduction. | Link | June 10, 2021 | OpenEO |
OpenEO doc | Documentation for OpenEO API | Link | June 9, 2021 | OpenEO |
Eurac - OpenEO | openEO endpoint | Link | April 28, 2021 | OpenEO |
MOOC Cubes and Clouds | Free Online Course teaching the concepts of data cubes, cloud platforms and open science in geospatial and EO. | Link | March 8, 2024 | OpenEO, STAC |