Environmental Data Platform

DrSchär mais field monitoring timeseries

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Timeseries of the DrSchär field monitoring in Este (PD) during summer 2022. Dataset of the soil temperature and soil humidity collected from different type of sensors distributed among the mais field. In the field were installed different types of sensors as many TDR sensors and one capacitive sensor; they collect temperature and humidity of the soil. The data from the sensor were collected by two networks: a Zigbee-based and one LoraWAN-based network.

water, humidity, soil moisture, temperature, soil, lorawan, zigbee, tdr, mais, capacitive, sensor, irrigation, Agricultural and aquaculture facilities, Environmental monitoring facilities, agriculture

CC BY 4.0

Eurac Research
Viale Druso, 1 / Drususallee 1, eurac research, Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 39100, Italy

2022-06-09T12:00:00Z 2022-08-10T12:00:00Z

Text, table

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