Environmental Data Platform

Environmental Parameters

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This layer contents specific IEQ data sets provided which are rereferred to the closest possible locations of the Cultural-E demo cases. Specific locations and coordinates are included for each one in the IEQ related files that have been made available for downloading. Each geo-referred location contains IEQ related information and graphics, in the specific: 1. Reference year -.epw file-. 2. Climatic statistical data -.txt file-. Weather data plots, elaborated with Climate consultant and merged in a unique document -.pdf file-. 4. Weather data summary elaborated -.xls file-. Relevant information is provided in relation to: data source, used tool, implemented comfort tool, weather stations spec, software download links. This aims to illustrate the accuracy and "data fairness" of the data provided.

Global, features, households, IEQ, weather

Varied / Original: This item is either licensed under multiple licenses. See the item's abstract for more information or contact the distributor.

Eurac Research - Institute for Renewable Energy
Bolzano, ITA

2020-01-01T10:08:00+00:00 2020-12-31T10:11:00+00:00

4326 (4326:EPSG)



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