Environmental Data Platform

ADO - Discharge hydrological datasets

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Daily time-series of discharge stations present within the Alpine space, obtained from different providers. Is made up of four columns: id station, date, discharge and the data quality information given by its different providers. The database contains observational daily discharge data deriving from the first measurement (differs for each region) to the present, with more than 1400 stations. These data were collected from multiple data providers within the ADO study region, covering the countries Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland. The spanned period is 1869-2021. The missing dates were added in order to have continuous time-series.


Bertoldi, G., & Quintero, D. (2022). ADO - Discharge hydrological datasets [Data set]. Eurac Research. https://doi.org/10.48784/9E195271-02AE-40BE-B3A7-525F57F53C80

hydrology, water lever, discharge, database, ground station, cct, Environmental monitoring facilities, Hydrography

Restricted data access to project's partners

Eurac Research - Center for Sensing Solutions
Viale Druso, 1 / Drususallee 1, eurac research, Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 39100, Italy

1869-01-01T00:00:00Z 2021-12-31T12:00:00Z

Text, table

Inland waters

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#To set up the connection, the following two packages are required.


#Using the tidyverse in R, we can circumvent the direct usage of SQL language, and can use the more user-friendly dplyr syntax. For this we need these packages.


#For data wrangling and visualization we will use these packages.


#Set up the connection
#The following sets up the connection to the SQL database. This is currently only possible within the ScientificNet. The parameters are copied from the documentation.

conn <- dbConnect(Postgres(), 
                  dbname = "climate_data", 
                  host = "", 
                  port = 5432, 
                  user = "climate_user",
                  password = "meteo_data")
#List the available tables.


#The daily values are stored in the table stations_data.
tbl(conn, "stations_data")

#The climatologies (averages for the period 1981-2010) values are stored in the table climatologies.
tbl(conn, "climatologies")

#And finally the metadata with the station locations and more info on the processing in metadata.
tbl(conn, "metadata")

#Additional examples for create map and plots are available at: http://edp-doc.eurac.edu/cdb_doc/notebooks/Access-CDB-R-ubuntu.html

Related docs
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Connection to PostgreSQL database Necessary steps to connect to the PostgreSQL DB. Example with the Cimate Database. Available only inside ScientificNet Link June 10, 2021 PostgreSQL
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