# | Name | Description | Date published | Category |
1 | MOOC Cubes and Clouds | Free Online Course teaching the concepts of data cubes, cloud platforms and open science in geospatial and EO. | March 8, 2024 | OpenEO, STAC |
2 | STAC guidelines | Documentation to browse and download items of the STAC catalog | Feb. 22, 2024 | STAC |
3 | Data guidelines | This documentation provides guidelines for the data management and data repositories of EDP. It is accessible by the ScintificNet only at this moment. | Oct. 26, 2023 | data |
4 | Climatic and Hydrological timeseries | This page contains description and documentastion of Climate DB, ADO and 4DMED projects | April 14, 2023 | PostgreSQL |
5 | InfluxDB connection | Getting Started with R and InfluxDB | March 6, 2023 | InfluxDB |
6 | Maps web services URLs | Here you can find all the available web service URLs provided by Maps, to consume datasets through an interoperable client (QGIS, Python, etc.) or to develop codes for analysis. The most relevant services to access datasets are: WMS (Web Map Service) to visualize layers in a map and to query them); WFS (Web Feature Service) or WCS (Web Coverage Service) to download raw datsets and use them for deep analysis or transformation. | Dec. 13, 2021 | Maps |
7 | LoraWAN for IoT devices | The LoRaWAN network of the NOI Techpark is currently managed by Eurac Research ‐ Center for Sensing Solutions. The network is based on several open-source components, namely the network manager (LoRaServer), the administration web portal (Java Servlet Application), a database (PostgreSQL) for user information storage, and another database (InfluxDB) for the storage of the LoRa packets transmitted over the network. | Nov. 19, 2021 | IoT |
8 | openEO for ADO project | Tutorial and snippets on how to use openEO in the ADO project | Sept. 15, 2021 | OpenEO |
9 | EDP video tutorial | Presentation of edp-platform and tutorial for data analysis and processing | Sept. 15, 2021 | OpenEO |
10 | Official OpenEO documentation and project site | Official Documentation provided in the project web site for a deeper overview and introduction. | June 10, 2021 | OpenEO |
11 | Connection to PostgreSQL database | Necessary steps to connect to the PostgreSQL DB. Example with the Cimate Database. Available only inside ScientificNet | June 10, 2021 | PostgreSQL |
12 | OpenEO doc | Documentation for OpenEO API | June 9, 2021 | OpenEO |
13 | SOS data upload | Python System to automaticay upload data from files | May 13, 2021 | SOS |
14 | MonalisR for SOS-API | Documentation and repository of the MonalisaR package to access SOS-API using R | April 28, 2021 | SOS |
15 | maps.eurac.edu documentation | maps.eurac.edu is based on Geonode, here the link to the official documentation | April 28, 2021 | Maps |
16 | Eurac - OpenEO | openEO endpoint | April 28, 2021 | OpenEO |